Category Archives: S6

SAAS Funding Talk – 27th February 2023

SAAS Funding Talk – University and College Applicants ​

The Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) will be visiting Armadale Academy on Monday 27th February from 1.45 – 2.30 to meet with students and offer students advice on what funding they could receive while studying at university or college and how to apply. ​ The session will be held in the Assembly Hall. ​

If you are intending to progress onto University or College in Summer 2023, you should attend. ​

College Application Support Session​

S4 – S6 Friday, 10 February​ 2023

House Teams will run​ a College Application Support Session on Friday, 10 February 2023.  Skills Development Scotland will also support students ​during this session. ​

​This session will run for the full day to support any S4 – S6 students completing their college application. ​College places are filled quickly so we would advise students to apply early. ​

Students should register in the morning and then attend​ the session in the Main IT room. ​​

Please click on the images below for more information:

Application Guide
Applying to College information
Applying to college pptx