Fun activities online

Hello everyone,

It’s a new week and today we are letting you know about a website we love to use on our smart board. It’s called topmarks! you can use this either on a laptop, computer or tablet.

If you copy this web address into your search bar , it will take you to the main page where you can click on the section ‘Early Years’. Here you will find lots of age appropriate games to make learning fun.

It would be good to focus on the shape and pattern games and you could try to draw your own shapes and make patterns. If you want to show us your creations you can either upload them onto the learning journals page or tweet us at @WLWoodlandsELC but please don’t use the children’s names!



Exercise in the garden

Morning everyone,


We hope you are all well.We thought with it being a lovely sunny day why not ask your family to join in doing some exercises  in the garden.You could start by walking,skipping,jogging,hopping,trotting and anything else you can think that will keep you fit.

If you go onto you tube there are ideas from sticky kids Warm up and Bend and stretch.


We hope that all of our #WonderfulWoodlandsWeans are doing well and are coping with being at home.  The team have been posting some super ideas and the West Lothian Early Years blog also has some things that you can be doing to keep boredom at bay!

Look out for our things to do as well,  I know that Funbox are holding a Facebook live event this afternoon (I think it’s either 3pm or 3.30pm).  Blair Drummond safari park are also using Facebook to do “show and tell” sessions with the animals.

We hope that everyone manages to stay safe and well at home.  Take care!

Bear Rhymes



One little bear, wondering what to do

Along came another, then there were two!


Two little bears, climbing up a tree

Along came another, then there were three!


Three little bears, ate an apple core

Along came another, then there were four!


Four little honey bears, found honey in a hive

Along came another, then there were five!



             TEDDY BEAR, TEDDY BEAR 

                                     Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around,                                                                       Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground,                                                                Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high,                                                                      Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the sky,                                                                     Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend down low,                                                                  Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your toe,                                                                        Teddy bear, teddy bear, go to bed,                                                                       Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head,                                                                  Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the lights,                                                              Teddy bear, teddy bear, say “good night .”

Something to try at home :

Counting the bears on your fingers up to 5 and from 5 back down to zero.                                                                                                                              Discuss the words that rhyme, and maybe try making up some rhyming words of your own.                                                                                          Try adding some actions when you say the rhyme Teddy bear, Teddy bear.

Daily walk

Hello Everybody,

We hope you are managing to get out for your daily walk and enjoy some fresh air!

Here are some ideas to make your walks interesting and fun.

A listening walk: Stop every so often, close your eyes and listen. How many different sounds can you hear, what might be making those sounds? Talk about the things making the sounds.

We’re going on a bug hunt!: If you can, go for a walk in the woods. Look under stones, logs and leaves. How many different insects can you find?

Take some twigs, pine cones, leaves ets home with you. Use them to make patterns and pictures.

Find some stones and pebbles. When you get home wash them then draw round them on a large sheet of paper. Can you match your stones to thier shapes?

Story time

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is well. We have decided to do a story of the week. The first story we will be focusing on is “We’re going on a bear hunt”.  If you click on the link below you will find a Youtube video of the story.

When we read stories in nursery the practitioners  ask questions related to the story to get the children thinking about what they have heard. This might be something you could try at home.

Who are the characters in the story?

What happened in the story?

Where did they go?

What was your favourite part?

Was there any parts you didn’t like and why?