Transition News

Showcase 28.4.16

As you will have read in the March Newsletter there is a showcase opportunity coming up in the school next Thursday (28.4.16) from 6.00 – 7.00.  This has a Health & Wellbeing focus and there are many activities for you to see/join in with.  This year there is a nursery to primary one transition presentation being offered to which all nursery parents, who have children going in to primary one at Deans, are warmly invited. We have used the questions you returned to us in the recent questionnaire to create the presentation so hopefully we will be answering all the questions you have.


Easter Raffle Winners

We had a morning  and an afternoon session winner of our Easter Basket Prizes. Thank you for all the people who bought tickets at our parent consultations. We raised £49 . The lucky winners are pictured below.


We are looking at some new furniture to buy which would enable us to make role play corners with drapes. We will let you know what we finally choose. Thank you again for your support.

Stay and Play Dates

Dates of Stay & Play 2015-2016

September – Monday 28/09/15

(October – Thursday 15.10.15 Open Day)

November – Tuesday 3.11.15

January – Wednesday 20/1/16

March – Thursday 3/3/16

April – Monday (Smiley Day*) 25/4/16

May – Tuesday 17.5.16

(June – sports day, graduation ceremony)



  • SMILEY DAY (significant male in life, early years) e.g. dads, uncles, cousins, friend of family, grandads etc.

Transition News

Transition 2016 (Nursery to Primary One)


This year in Deans Nursery we are planning an extensive programme for transition to primary one in Deans Primary School. As always we have taken on board your views and ideas. If your child is going to another school we will pass on their transition programme to you as soon as we receive it. Keep an eye on the notice board, Blog and your email.

At Deans we have planned two opportunities per week until the end of term for the pre-school children to become familiar with the classrooms, playground and staff involved with primary one.

Every Wednesday (a.m. and p.m.) there will be a joint playground time initially with one of the primary one classes. This will allow the children to appreciate the space and games played during their playtime and lunch time breaks. Gradually we will introduce more classes to these sessions so the full playground experience will not come as a surprise to them next session.

Also every Thursday the pre-school children (a.m. and p.m.) will join the two primary one classes for ‘soft start’/story time. This will enable them to appreciate some of the structures and routines of a primary one class and they will get to know the staff and surroundings. At least one member of the nursery team will go with them to provide a familiar face.

We will continue to join the whole school assemblies (for part of the time) and use ‘helpers’ from our pre-school children to visit other areas in the school e.g. the office. These small things all help to build up a comfortable, relaxed approach to moving on to the ‘big’ school.

The ‘buddies’ have already visited the nursery and have been told of their responsibilities and duties with their new little friends. We plan to match up each nursery child with a primary six child and create regular opportunities for them to get to know each other. Obviously this extends into primary one where their buddy can support them in many areas until they are comfortable on their own e.g. in the dining hall.

Additionally there will be an enhanced transition group for children that we have identified may need a little support to settle to this new experience. The parents of the children in this group are aware of this. The children in this group will create a home/school booklet and spend some additional time in the classes.


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