Pumpkin Carving!

Some of the children enjoyed designing their own faces, carving and scooping out pumpkins! They showed great perseverance when carving the faces and scooping out the pulp, as this was a bit tricky and took lots of effort!

We loved lighting the pumpkins and putting them in our dark shed in the garden. Don’t you think they look very spoooooooky?

Feeding the birds!

It is all about Autumn and the changes it brings in nursery just now… the weather, the changes visually outside, darker earlier. But a big interest in conversation has been focused on the birds and how they get their food in the colder weather.

The children have been busy making bird feeders using pine cones, lard and bird seed. Once they were set, some of the children enjoyed hanging these on some of the trees out in the big field.

Wednesday 17 June

Good morning everyone! Happy Wednesday!!!!

Remember to collect your lunch from the school between 12 noon and 1.30pm.

Lets get active

Today you can access the Joe Wicks session using this link:

Another activity for you to do at home that will help you develop lots of skills is an Egg and Spoon Race.

ELC Egg and Spoon Race Game | Groupon

For this ultimate hand-eye coordination and balance game, give kids a spoon and have them balance a hard-boiled or plastic egg moving from one point to another either indoors or out. How quickly can they go? Can they dance as they move? Why not get all the family involved and see who can keep the egg on the spoon the longest or furthest.


Solar System Song

It’s a song about the Sun and the planets for children of all ages.

Barney’s Mister Sun Song

Lets get creative

How to make a bubble snake at home

How to make a bubble snake maker - Mum In The Madhouse

  • Bottle
  • Scissors
  • Elastic band
  • An old facecloth or cotton sock
  • Bubble mixture and water
  • Food colouring (optional)

Find a clean, empty plastic bottle, the diameter of the bottle will determine the width of your bubble snakes.

Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife (and adult supervision), help your child by cutting the bottom off the plastic bottle.

With your kids, cover the open end of your bottle with a piece of fabric that is similar to a old facecloth or cotton sock.

Secure with a rubber band to keep the fabric in place. No elastic band then don’t worry just wrap it in tape or use string or ribbon.

How to make Rainbow Bubble Snakes

Making a rainbow bubble snake is as simple as adding for colouring to the fabric-covered end. Drop the food colouring onto the fabric covered end.  It was a bit messy!

Dip the fabric in the bubble solution and give the bottle a blow.  Blowing slowly produces the longest snakes.


“Count me to Sheep” is a Sesame Street game where the children have to count the number of sheep Telly has to count before he falls asleep. Use this link to access the game:



What exactly is kindness? What is it to be kind? Is it being helpful? Being polite? Does it have to be a big act to be more kind? Well maybe the smallest act is the most powerful. Let’s have a look at this meaningful book.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

We have been learning all about dinosaurs in the nursery. There has been lots of learning going on with the children telling us what they wanted to know about dinosaurs. We have learned that dinosaurs are reptiles and that they hatch from eggs. We have been making hatching dinosaurs in the art area.

We have  been developing our fine motor skills and hand to eye coordination as we traced around the egg template, coloured our dinosaur head and cut the egg and dinosaur out. We were so proud of our achievements and some of our creations are displayed on the art gallery wall for everyone to see.

In the literacy area we have been using letter stones to spell out the different names of the dinosaurs. Some of the words are really trick to say and we have had lots of fun and laughs as we try and learn how to say the dinosaur names.

We have also been using the posters around the nursery to match the dinosaur and find out information about them. We have been matching them by their characteristics, shape and colour.

We have also been reading the story “A Huge Bag of Worries” where we have been talking about things that may make us worried and how we can get help when we are worried. There has been lots of discussion about who we could ask to help us when we are worried, have something bothering us or if we are scared or frightened. We have learned that if we share these worries with someone we trust then the worries are not as big or go away completely. We will share more about this next week.

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