An Important Reminder

Just a wee reminder about some of our rules to ensure the safety of our children. The exit door should be opened by a member of the nursery team only and we will try to ensure there is a person manning the door at these times. Please do not open the exit door for another parent, even if you feel rude ignoring them, this is to ensure our children are safe.  Also be careful when leaving nursery to make sure no unauthorised child leaves with you .

You said, we listened

Thank you for taking part in our recent two stars and a wish survey. Thank you too, for your kind words.We have listened to what you had to say – here are some of our solutions to your suggestions:


New Start Children – You said sometimes there is not enough information shared about your child at the very start of nursery when you are feeling a little anxious. We will present the child with a certificate after their first week at nursery and let you know how well they have settled in. (We have always been in daily contact with parents/carers who have a child who is unsettled).

Cloakroom – You said the cloakroom is too cramped. We can offer the left hand side of the nursery. Please bring their coat and shoes into nursery and change them in there rather than in the cloakroom. If you choose to do this be aware that the children are still enjoying singing so please be as quiet as possible. Also as our cloakroom is very busy can I please remind you that if you do bring a bag that it is placed under the bench rather then on pegs.

Stay and Play – You said you preferred the start of the session for Stay and Play. We have returned to that timing. If you feel you are missing out please speak to us and we can arrange another time.

New Staff – You said sometimes there are new people on the floor and you don’t know who they are. We will post a photo and name on our notice board of new members to our team (even if temporary).

Thank you again for your very valuable feedback.

The Ten Minute Walk

The nursery team have decided to try a new initiative in the nursery. It is called the Ten Minute Walk and it means that the whole nursery will go out for a ten minute walk in our football field every Tuesday and Thursday. The research has shown it is a healthy approach, good for the body and the brain too! We plan to walk at around 10.00 and 2.00, then when we come back in it will be time for altogether time and super concentration for group activities and story.

To manage the organisation we will have two groups of nursery children using their own coats and shoes for the walk and the other groups using nursery jackets and boots. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for this. If the weather is very poor it may be cancelled but a little drizzle will not put us off!

As with all new ideas we will review it regularly and we will give you a short questionnaire at the end to get your views.

We plan to start this on Tuesday 22/1/19.


Sponsored Walk Thank You

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our superhero sponsored walk  event. We still have some sponsor sheets to be returned but already we have raised a magnificent £670.

Watch out in the new year as we are hoping to purchase a large outdoor sandpit, new cycle helmets, some new jackets for outdoor play and more waterproofs.

Thank you again for your generous contributions.

Nursery Nativity

The children have been busy for the last few weeks practising very hard for our nursery nativity. This will take place on Wednesday 12th December AM and PM, tickets go on sale next week at £1 each, each child will be allowed to purchase 3 tickets with more available nearer the time.

We will be having a raffle on the day and have an Amazon Kindle as the star prize.  We are also collecting donations for a hamper, if you are able to donate we would be very grateful.

Learning Overview

Attached is the last learning overview of this term. Overview learning 19.11.18 Mrs Lockhart

As you know the month of December gets very busy with our Christmas Fayre (Friday 30th at 1.00) , nursery Nativity performance (12.12.18) and nursery Christmas parties (see below).

Our nursery Christmas Parties are on Monday 17.12.18. This year they are taking place in the school gym hall. We have a ‘special visitor’ who will arrive at 10.20 and 2.40. You are very welcome to come and join us at these times. Please use the main school door to be let in.

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