Monday 15 June

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend.

Lets get Active

I thought we could do something different this morning. Lets get that heart rate up with this family workout!


Leave it to Maximo to change the Macarena to the Maxerenadance along! Use this link to access the dance:


Bag of surprises

Nobodinoz Savanna Velvet Toy Bag - Night Blue | Storage Basket ...

Fill a bag with different bits and pieces from around the house, such as utensils,  shoes or a hair brush etc the list is endless. Let your child choose something from the bag and see if they can name what it is and what it does or is used for.Ask your child to describe what they are holding encouraging them to use descriptive language such as “it has a long handle which is hard, the bristles are soft and black……”.

You could expand this game even further by putting a few items in the bag and ask your child to close their eyes. Encourage them to build a picture in their mind as you describe one of the items in the bag. They will have great fun trying to guess what you are describing.


Everybody’s Welcome by Patricia Hegarty.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could build a home that opened its doors to everyone – tall or short, fat or thin, rich or poor… Well, perhaps if everybody pitches in to help, one little mouse can achieve that dream.

Matching and Sorting

A game your child can play on their devices. They have to find where things belong after a storm has mixed everything up. Lets see if they can put things back in the correct place.

General Interest

Blippi heads to the indoor playground to learn about jungle animals. This animal video for kids is a fun way for children and toddlers to learn with Blippi about jungle animals. Your child will learn with Blippi in this educational video for toddler about the animals Monkey, Elephant, Horse, Hippo, Zebra, and more!


How to make a paper aeroplane

Before you make your paper aeroplane you could colour or design a pattern on your paper. Once you have completed your aeroplane see how far it flies. Have a competition with your family to see who can fly their aeroplane the furthest.

Something parents will find interesting

Importance of Play

It’s time to play. Use this link:

It’s play time: “There is no better activity for learning and development than play.” This is the link:


Remember lunches are available from 12 noon till 1.30 pm at the school. Have a great day!



Thursday 11 June

Good morning everyone, I hope Thursday is finding you all well!

Lets get Active

Our last Joe Wicks session is available through this link:

Zumba Session

I like to move it!!

Electronic song

Lets get creative

Microwave Puffy Paint

Homemade Puffy Paint Recipe with 3 Ingredients - Happy Hooligans 3 Ingredient Puffy Paint For Kids Easy Video Instructions

Your kids will be entertained and learn something new.

What you will need::

Half a cup of flour

two teaspoons of baking powder,

two teaspoons of salt

food colouring.


Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl then split into smaller dishes adding the food colouring to the small dish along with a small amount of water to make a paste. Let your child get creative painting on cardboard or paper. Once they have created their picture microwave their art piece for 30-40 seconds, this will make the paint puff up.

Toilet Roll tube printing 

Cardboard tube shape printers for toddler art

Who knew toilet roll tubes could be so educational? Here is a fun way for children to develop their knowledge of some 2D shapes. When stamping the shapes look closely at the shapes together and talk about their names and properties (e.g “look at the square, it has 4 corners and 4 flat sides)!

You could also give each shape a colour of its own and talk about the colours and even make simple patterns together… maybe even encourage little ones to make their own repeating pattern. What a lot of learning from some paint and a couple of toilet roll tubes! You could even use your Puffy Paint to make the pictures. 


Build shape pictures, developing your child’s recognition of 2D shape, with this Sesame Street game. To access the game use this link:


The Gruffalo in Scot’s is a story the children enjoyed in the nursery. They enjoyed learning all the new words in the traditional Scottish tongue.

Gruffalo Activites

The Grufallo website for games and activity ideas:

Join Julia Donaldson and some special guests for a storytime or some singalong fun in her new weekly ‘Julia Donaldson and Friends’ broadcast. Every Thursday at 4 p.m. Julia will be sharing some of her most-loved songs, stories, games, poems and downloadable activity sheets.  

Have a great weekend everyone!!






Wednesday 10 June

Mid-week again!!!

Remember to pick your lunches up from the school between 12 noon and 1.30pm.

Lets get Active

Today’s Joe Wicks session can be accessed through:


Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival

This warm Picture Book is a great story for your child’s emotional needs. All children have worries and feelings of anxiety at times. It’s a story your child can relate to in dealing with the sense of worry. In this book, the young girl called Ruby develops anxiety which starts small but over time becomes bigger and robs her of happiness. Until she discovers that by talking to someone helps her worry go away. An excellent book for every parent to read to their child and tackle a familiar emotional feeling.


Emotions – Story Bots Super Songs

Get ready for all the feels with the latest episode of “StoryBots Super Songs.” Help your child understand their emotions with songs about feeling happy, sad, silly and more!

The Feeling Song – A nice song about different feelings to help your child begin to understand their feelings.

Sensory play

Sensory balloons

3 Fun and Easy Ways to Play with Balloons Emotional Stress Ball Balloons | Fun Family Crafts Buy Moody Face Stress Ball, 32 Count Online at Low Prices in India ...

You will need:

Water ballons

Rice, lentils, salt, flour, water etc to fill the balloons.


Stretch out a balloon.

Choose your filling: flour or rice.

Slowly pour the filling into your balloon. You can use a funnel or bottle.

Let out as much air as you can and tie the neck of the balloon closed tightly.

Draw your choice of emotion on to your balloon, you can do this before filling the balloon if you prefer.

Add wool to top for the hair (optional)



Coins game is a money game which introduces children to coinage in British, Australian, American and Euro currencies. The currency defaults to British, but can be changed by clicking on the flags. The game is designed for 4-10 year olds.

It has three game modes. The first activity, Sorting, helps children to recognise the different coins. The second, Ordering, involves arranging the coins from lowest to highest values. Thirdly, the Counting game has eight different ability levels where children count the amounts of money on a piggy bank. It can help to improve children’s accuracy in counting money. Access the games through the following link:

Have a great day and remember to post pictures on your Learning Journal of the things you are doing at home.





Tuesday 9 June

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Lets get Active

Use this link to access Joe Wicks today:


Lets join Jamie for a  swashbuckling mix of pirate themed kids yoga with treasure hunts, songs and heroics!

Creative activity

Make a telescope (insert pic)

Every pirate needs a telescope so why not make your own at home. We had great fun  with this activity in nursery.! Make your own and go on a pirate hunt or wildlife hunt. What can you see through your telescope?

Purate, spyglass, telescope, fold paper cone - Pirate Telescope ...

To make your own all you need is:

Piece of paper (A4 is fine)

Some colouring pens/pencils

Some sticky tape

Get the children to decorate their paper with any design of their choice. Once done roll the paper up and tape the end ensuring a big enough hole is left to look through.


Telescope Song – Lets look through our telescope and see what we can see. What did you see?

Another song we sing and dance to in nursery is the Pirate Song.


How I Became a Pirate – This is the story of how Jeremy Jacobs became a pirate. Follow this link to access the story.


Pirate Map

Printable Treasure Map Kids Activity

Create a map of your garden (or a room in the house). Give your child instructions on how to find the treasure e.g. take 5 steps forward, turn left, take 2 more steps. At each of the clue points leave instructions on how to find the next clue, with the final clue leave treasure for your child to find at the end, maybe their favourite sweet or a story book that you can read together.

Have a great day!!!







Monday 8 June

Good morning everyone!

Lets get Active!!

Joe Wicks session for today is accessible through this link:


Sensory Play

How to make Squishy Sensory Bags? | Learning 4 Kids

You will need large ziplock food bags for this activity.

In the bags in the picture above there is flour, water and food colouring. You could also do them with paint, shaving foam and hair gel. Children will enjoy writing letters, numbers and general mark making with none of the mess of doing it on work surfaces. You can also keep them for a few days.


Grow your own rainbow

You will need :

2 jars/glasses of water

colour felt tipped pens

kitchen roll


Watch this video clip to show you how to “grow your own rainbow”. It takes a little while so you will need to be patient. Maybe you could do it before your lunch or dinner and watch it grow as you are eating at the table.


The Gingerbread Man Story – This favourite children’s story tells the tale of an old couple who want to have a child of their own so the old lady makes a gingerbread man. Unfortunately he runs away from the loving couple and meets a variety of animals along the way who all want to eat him before his final encounter with the clever fox.


Baking Gingerbread Men -George is in the kitchen showing us how to make gingerbread men! He gives clear, easy to follow instructions that you can help your child to follow. Do these gingerbread men remind you of anyone?

Here are some suggestions on how you could decorate your Gingerbread Men.


Gingerbread Cookies {Delightful & Delicious} | Gingerbread Men Recipe - *Video Recipe* Soft and Chewy Gingerbread Cookies | - Tastes Better From Scratch



Remember you can upload pictures of all your activities on your Learners Journey we would love to see what you have been doing at home!!


Thursday 4 June

Thursday again, where does the week go!!!

Lets keep active

Joe Wicks can be accessed through the following link:


Dave is here to play us some music

…and here’s a piece of music I’ve made up for you to listen to. Sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes it’s loud. Sometimes it’s fast, sometimes it’s slow. Sometimes it’s bumpy, sometimes it’s smooth. Sometimes it’s happy, sometimes it’s sad. There are high notes and low notes. Long notes and short notes…can you hear how it changes?

And a listening song …and here is the music for the Listening Song so that you can sing along at home!



This is the link to a site that explores science with children. Maybe you could watch some of the experiments and try them at home. Some of them are a bit messy so maybe be better to do them outside.


Health and Wellbeing

Feelings are very important, and they are a part of everyone.

There are lots of different types of feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad. These are just two examples of our feelings. Watch the video and find out how why Pip upset Declan, and learn lots more about different types of feelings.


Numeracy with Duplo/Lego

Duplo/Lego definitely make numbers and patterns more fun!

Activity #1:  Write the numbers 0-10 on small pieces of paper or post-it’s. Put the numbers in order, getting your child to help with this.  Using the Duplo/Lego to build towers to match the numbers.

Matching numbers

Activity #2:  Duplo Patterns

You can make sequencing cards with patterns of two, three or four colours that can be built using Duplo or Lego.  This worked well as an independent activity while you are busy doing other things at home.

LEGO Pattern Cards - Playdough To Plato             



Are you my Mother?

This story is about a little chick that hatches from his egg while his mother was out the nest. He goes looking for his mother. Read the story and find out if he finds his mother. How do you think the chick was feeling when he was looking for his mother?

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


Wednesday 3 June

It is the middle of the week again, happy Wednesday everyone!

Lets get active


Something you could do as part of your bedtime routine tonight is Pyjama Yoga. Give it a go and see if it helps you have a good nights sleep. Or you could do it when you get up before you get dressed.

Out for a walk

A game you could play as a family is  When You Hear … : Pick a trigger sound, such as a car horn or a bird’s chirp. Line up in single file and start walking. When you hear the sound, the first person in the line has to run to the back. Continue until everyone’s had a turn to lead or you run out of noises.


Lets get busy in the kitchen 

DIY Pizza Bagels – why not make these for your lunch or dinner.Giant Pizza Bagel | Delish - YouTube


  • Plain bagels
  • 2 tablespoons pizza sauce per bagel
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Pepperoni
  • Any additional pizza toppings you enjoy


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cut each bagel in half and place bagels in toaster for about 2 minutes each to get them a little crispy (optional). Next, place bagels on a baking sheet and add the pizza sauce, covering the top of each bagel half. Add your cheese and other toppings.


Something to watch on devices



This is a story about Tiddler, a fish who made up stories. Listen to the story to find out what happens to Tiddler.

Activity jars

I'm Bored" Jar + A Free Printable (With images) | Bored jar

Why don’t you create some activity jars to help support your child with things to do throughout the day, in the current situation it is a long time to not see others and play with their friends so this can be helpful when your child is feeling a little “bored”. Work together to identify things you could do and write these down either on a lolly stick or on a piece of paper (fold it up) and put them in a jar or tub. When your child is looking for something to do you could pull one out.

Have a great day!


Tuesday 2 June

Good morning all, I hope today finds you all well!

Lets get active

Today’s Joe Wicks session can be accessed using the following link:


Join Mike the Cosmic Space Monkey as we search for his best friend Muttnik, Astro Dog. A story about looking out for our friends – and what you should do if you get lost…

Items of interest

NASA uses SpaceX Falcon 9 to launch US astronauts into space from US soil for the first time in nearly 9 years, since the last space shuttle mission. Watch the launch of the rocket on teh following link:

Getting creative

Make your own Space Rocket

You will need:

A toilet roll tube

Glue stick or sellotape

Different coloured paper (or colour your own)

Shiny paper (either wrapping paper or silver foil)


Follow this link to see how to make your Rocket:


Alien Love Underpants is a lovely story that the children always find funny. Use the link below to hear the story.

Monday 1 June

Another Monday morning, I hope that everyone can enjoy the sunshine today.

Keeping Active

Today’s Joe Wicks session is available through this link:


With the weather being nice how about some garden yoga today.

Garden Yoga for Kids: Free Printable Poster: Take a walk through nature with this garden themed yoga routine for kids. Suitable for use toddlers to school aged children. Includes a free printable poster to use in the home or classroom.

Lets get busy in the kitchen

Ultimate vanilla ice cream recipe | BBC Good Food

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Why not have a go at making your own ice cream at home. Follow this simple recipe and hopefully you can enjoy the fruits of your labour later today.



1 large ziploc bag

1 medium ziploc bag

1 cup milk

1 tablespoon sugar

1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla

1⁄3 cup salt



Pour the milk, sugar and vanilla into the smaller sized bag.

Fill the larger sized bag 3/4 full of ice, and then add the salt to the ice.

Place the smaller bag inside the larger bag and close the seal. Make sure you close them both tightly!

Now shake the bag good and hard for 5 minutes.

Rinse the small bag off with cold water before opening to keep the salt water from getting into your ice cream.


This is the link to a counting game that the children can play on their devices. Count the Yeti’s and shoot the answer by placing the target over the correct number. There are 3 different levels in the game so something to suit everyone.,%20support&title=Count%20the%20Yeti%201%20to%2010

Lets get creative

Wet Chalk Painting


Have your kids ever left their  chalk out in the rain? If they have you’ll probably be familiar with how soggy it gets, and if you’ve ever tried to draw with it while it’s wet you might have noticed it has a consistency like paint. It’s fun, easy, and gives the kids a different texture and medium to experiment with.

To do this activity put some  chalk pieces in water to soak for at least 10 minutes before you’re ready to start creating. This gives it a chance to soak up some of the water and go a little bit soft. You can choose whether to use it on paper or the pavement.

Have fun and remember to send us pictures of your creations on your Learning Journal.


The Rainbow Fish is a lovely story about sharing and feelings. Enjoy the story using the following link:

Have a great day and remember to use plenty of suncream and wear a hat to protect your head as well.

Lunches are available all week from the main door of the school between 12 noon and 1.30PM.


Thursday 28 May

Lets Get Active

Today’s Joe Wicks session can be access using this link:



Today Maximo is doing the Electric Slide why not join him with this link:



ingredients for banana breakfast cookies3 oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips stacked


1.5 cups oatmeal (porridge oats)

2 medium bananas

1/3 cup mini chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Line a rimmed baking sheet with a silpat mat or coat with some cooking spray. Using the back of a fork, mash bananas in a medium bowl until they are broken down.

Add in oats and gently stir until all of the oats and bananas are mixed together and look like a thick cookie batter.

Now your ready to add the chocolate chips! Sprinkle them into the dough and stir until they are just mixed throughout.

Scoop one heaping tablespoon of the dough into your hands and free form into a cookie*. Place on cookie sheet and continue until you have 12 cookies.

Cook for 12-15 minutes or until set through and lightly golden. Cool and enjoy! *NOTE: these cookies will not spread in the oven so be sure to form them into a cookie before placing on baking sheet.

Makes 16 cookies


An activity for indoors or outdoors in nice weather

Den building

Den Building and PHSE - Classroom IdeasDen Building Ideas | Build Bed Dens | Outdoor & Indoor Den ...30 DIY Ideas How To Make Your Backyard Wonderful This Summer ...

Use sheets, rope/string, pegs, to join and attach the sheets. Using furniture such as, couches, and dining table and chairs works to hold up the sheets. Encourage your child to use their imagination to turn it into anything they like! You could even have a picnic lunch or dinner inside!

This is a link to other ideas for making a den with the children, something all the family can be involved with:


A nice poem you could read to your child inside their den.


Big dens, small dens, some made of wood,

Some made with sheets but still very good,

A den on a hillside or under the ground,

A den in the trees, will you be found?

Behind Granny’s sofa or under the bed,

Out in the garage or in someone’s shed,

Dens are amazing, dens are the best,

Somewhere to hide or to go for a rest!

Dens can be anything, a castle or shop,

A fort or a hotel, somewhere to stop,

They could be a train station, a school or saloon,

Or a rocket that flies to the moon.

Dens are a safe place, somewhere to hide,

The outside looks boring but just look inside,

Dens can be anything you want them to be,

Let’s go and make one and then you will see!

Who can make a better den than mine? 

Post pictures of your den onto your Learning Journey it will be lovely to see them all.


Number recognition

You will need :

2 sheets of paper

Clear flat bottomed dish

Either salt, sand, lentils or rice

A small paint brush or pastry brush (if you don’t have these they could use their fingers or a spoon).

  • On the both sheets of paper write the numerals 0-10 (or 0-20 if your child can recognise to 10).
  • Place the dish on top on one of the sheets of paper covering the numbers, put the other sheet beside the bowl.
  • Fill the bowl with either salt, sand, lentils or rice.
  • Give your child the brush to move the sand etc around to find the numbers and match these to the sheet beside the bowl.

If your child is able to recognise and match the numbers with ease you could change the sheet under the bowl to have sets of number dots, similar to these

Dot Pattern Cards 1-9 (SB4825) - SparkleBox

encourage your child to count the dots using 1-1 correspondence and match the quantity to the numbers on the sheet beside  the bowl. Again if they find this easy increase the number to within 20.

To see this activity in action watch the following link:


This story is about a Hedgehog and Tortoise want to give each other a great big hug, but they’re not allowed to touch. Why not read the story and see what they do instead.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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