Primary 1 were very excited to share their reading books from home with their Primary 7 buddies, as part of World Book Day activities.
Here they are enjoying paired reading .
Primary 1 were very excited to share their reading books from home with their Primary 7 buddies, as part of World Book Day activities.
Here they are enjoying paired reading .
Today was the P7 and P6 Christmas Party and we all had a fantastic time! We danced, played games, stopped for a snack and then danced some more before finishing up with a rendition of Auld Lang Syne.
Here are some pictures from the party:
And what kind of party would it be if we didn’t do a Mannequin Challenge?! Click below to see ours!
Today the primary 6 and 7 children received a visit from Quality Meats Scotland and took part in some cooking. The children helped prepare beef fajitas and enjoyed tasting them afterwards. They also had a talk about the different food groups and the benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet.
The total raised by the school was a whopping £1,500. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Well done to the P7 class who performed a St Andrew’s Day Assembly on Friday. They performed with confidence and talent and their teacher is very proud of them all. Fantastic work!