Author Archives: Mrs Hare

P5H Procedure Texts in Action!

P5H have been learning all about the structure and purpose of procedure texts.  This week we wrote our own procedure texts about following directions.

Today we applied our understanding of procedure texts to follow a set of instructions to make firework prints.  First we read through the instructions.  Then we gathered the materials we would need.  Finally we followed each step to create our fabulous artwork. 

P5H Maths Week and More!

This week was Maths Week Scotland and P5H took their learning outdoors.  We used sticks to create different 2D shapes then we had a challenge to create a picture using as many different shapes as we could.

P5H also created their own bookmarks to use with their guided reading books.  Unfortunately, these need to stay in school so as a Friday treat, we got to create a second bookmark to take and keep at home.  Mrs Hare was really impressed with everyone’s creativity!

Today we also took part in the Ness Book Fest Reading Record – hopefully we will have helped to beat last year’s record number of pupils reading or being read to at the same time across Scotland!

P5H PE Days

Hi everyone,

There has been a slight change to the PE timetable since it was shared on the school blog.  Apologies for any inconvenience.  Just to clarify, P5H will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Remember, PE kits should be worn to school on these days and try to dress appropriately for the weather as we’ll be outdoors.

Thanks, Mrs Hare 🙂