Category Archives: P7/6-Mrs Sinclair

Reflective reading in Primary 2G

We have been really enjoying trying some new ideas out in Literacy this week including a glitzy phonics disco and a reflective reading lesson on the farmer duck story.  The children have been acting out the farmer duck story, clucking and mooing along with the animals and having some great discussions retelling the story and talking about working hard and being kind.  The children have also been working really hard on their writing this week, using their sounds and common words to write words independently and using their feedback to improve their work.  Very impressed with your efforts Primary 2.  Finally congratulations to our first pupil for achieving 50 Dojos and getting a special Dojo certificate.  Keep up the all the good work Primary 2 and enjoy your weekend. Mrs. Benzeval


Inspirational Maths in P2G

We enjoyed a very creative maths lesson today.  The children were breaking down numbers visually and looking for patterns and groups.  The children showed some great mathematical thinking and understanding and were able to transfer their thinking into our number talk.  Great effort today, well done everyone.


P2G Maths Week

In maths today we were looking at number patterns and tried to find all the different ways we can make numbers, we used our fingers to help us.  We agreed that our priority was not to see who could be the first one finished but to see who could use the best mathematical thinking.