Author Archives: Ms Benzeval

Messy Maths Measuring in P2/3

In our maths lesson today we used scales to measure the weights of different materials, we used tape measures and rulers to measure the length of different and we used jugs and containers to measure the volume of liquids.  We also measured out the ingredients to make oobleck and slime.  It was a little messy and a lot of fun!

P3/2 Book Week Scotland

Thanks very much to our fabulous P7 Reading Ambassadors who met us in the school library today.  They gave us all super goody bags for book week Scotland and helped us pick some new story books for our class library.  Everyone is looking forward to enjoying them in some ERIC time this afternoon!

P2 / 3 COP 26

Primary 2 / 3 have been learning about the impact climate change is having on our planet.  We have read stories to help our understanding of what climate change is and how changes to our world’s weather and temperature can have a big impact on our natural world.