Category Archives: P5 – Miss Mitchell

P5 Trip to Glasgow Science Centre

On Tuesday 14th May both Primary 5 classes went to the Science Centre in Glasgow.  This term we will be developing our scientific understanding of Changing Materials and The Water Cycle so the Science Centre seemed like the perfect place to visit to reinforce our learning!

After arriving and having a quick snack, we went to the science theatre to watch the show ‘Water Water Everywhere’.

“My favourite part was the ‘Water Water Everywhere’ and I learned that water is made of H2O.” – Isla

“I learned what H2O meant -> Hydrogen and Oxygen.” – Samantha

Kasey, Ethan, Daniel and Brooke all enjoyed the show because the presenter sprayed us all with a water gun and we got wet!  (This was not Mrs Hare’s favourite part of the show!)


After the show we had some time to visit the gift shop before stopping for lunch.  Unsurprisingly many of us said the gift shop was our favourite part!  Mrs Hare was very impressed with everyone applying their learning about money to a real life situation and showing their budgeting skills.  She was also very impressed with the generosity of so many children who wanted to use their own spending money to buy gifts for their siblings, family members and friends.


After lunch, we had some free time to explore and interact with some of the exhibits in the Science Mall.

“I liked the pilot game.”  – Bretas

“I found a machine that if you flicked a switch and spun a wheel, lights would come on.” – Arran


We ended our fun-filled day with a visit to a real working lab to conduct an experiment.  We learned about the different steps that Scottish Water take to make the water on Earth safe for us to drink.  We then tested different materials to see which ones made the best filters and then we designed our own layered filters and tested them.

“I liked the show and the lab because it was fun to do experiments.”  – Morven

“My best part was when we got to filter water.” – Logan

“I loved the lab.” – Josh


Overall, a fun-filled day of learning was enjoyed by all.  So many of us struggled to pick just one part to be our favourite.

“I loved it all so much.” – Kaiden

“I liked all of it the best.”  – Owen

“I liked all of it 🙂  It was great fun!” – Alexander

P5 Christmas Party

Last week, P5 had their Christmas Party.  We had lots of fun playing party games, dancing and we even stopped for a wee snack and a blether.  It was a fun afternoon!

Here are some pictures from our party:


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone in P5, Miss Rodger and Mrs Hare.

P5’s Fairtrade Coffee Morning

This term both P5 classes have been learning all about Fairtrade.  To celebrate and share our learning with our families and carers, we organised a Fairtrade Coffee Morning.

The pupils in P5R wrote and delivered some letters to our local Co-op telling them about our coffee morning.  The Co-op very kindly donated some Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits and they displayed the letters in store.  One very kind customer saw our letters and donated some more Fairtrade goods for our Fairtrade coffee morning!

The week of our coffee morning, a group of P5s went on a shopping trip to the Co-op to buy all the things we needed.  We found lots of items with the Fairtrade logo and we really impressed our teacher with our budgeting skills!


We were very excited when we saw our letters on display!

After we had all of our supplies, some of us  put our baking skills to the test and made some delicious, Fairtrade crispy cakes.


On Friday 14th December, it was finally time for our Fairtrade Coffee Morning.  We were overwhelmed with the turnout and by kind family members who had also baked some fairtrade treats for us all to eat!  Thank you so much to everyone that came along, we hope you enjoyed!

P4 Snow Day Activities.

Morning Everybody. We hope that you managed to have some good World Book Day fun in the snow yesterday. Of course you can still take part in the activities suggested yesterday but if you are looking for something else here are a few suggestions. Remember to stay safe and warm in the snow!

Miss Mackay and Mr Thompson.


  • In P4 we have been learning all about the vikings and where they come from, the cold countries of the east like Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Just like where our weather is coming from now! You could do some research about how the vikings would have kept themselves and their families warm and compare it to what you and your family are doing.


  • Practise the timetables that you are happy with and challenge yourself to learn a new one. You can use the top marks site we use in class to play the tables games, halves and doubles.



  • Write an imaginative snow day story. Maybe your snowman could come to life and you go on an adventure together.
  • Watch newround and write a report on something you found interesting.
  • Keep writing your snow day diary to share when we come back to school.
  • Read for pleasure or listen to an audio book.


P4 World Book Challenges

Morning Everybody we hope that you are staying safe and enjoying the snow. Although we are not able to be in school today there are still lots of great ways that you can celebrate World Book Day. Below are a list of activities that you might like to try. It would be great to see some pictures of you taking part in these; post them on our school twitter page or bring them into school with you when you return. Remember to tag ‘P4’ in your twitter post.

We hope to see you soon but keep safe in the snow and have lots of fun until we do.

Miss Mackay and Mr Thompson.