Category Archives: P1 – Mrs Hare

Primary 1 is Nearly Done!

This morning the two P1 classes joined together for an end of year awards ceremony. Mrs McKay rolled out the red carpet and all of the children were given individual certificates which recognised an achievement or something to be very proud of. There were also some extra special trophies!

Well done boys and girls. Be proud of what a great P1 you have been part of. Mrs McKay and Mrs Sutherland hope to hear great things of you as you go through school.

We thought it would be a nice idea to have a look back through the year. Here are some of the things that the children have enjoyed !

Gary the fireman came to visit and we dressed up as firemen!

We listened to a story called The Rainbow Fish which helped us learn about making friends and sharing things. We drew pictures of the rainbow fish and wrote about our favourite part of the story.

We did lots of paired reading with our friends. We took it in turns to choose books and share them.

We loved Christmas lunch as you can see!

Our nativity was fabulous. We are still singing some of the songs !

We learned about Scotland and made our own whirry bangs, just like Hamish McHaggis!

Here we are dressed up for World Book Day!

We learned about dinosaurs and made our own dioramas at home. We had a dinosaur museum in class with lots of visitors to be shown round.

We were invited to Broxburn library. It was a long walk there and back but it was worth it! Hopefully you will hear us singing!

Mrs McKay and Mrs Sutherland would like to say a huge thank you to all of the families for their support this year. It has been a fantastic and fun year which we and the children have greatly enjoyed!

Learning in P1M

Our maths work this week is all to do with weight.  We are learning how to weigh objects using non standard units and use the language of weight.  How do we know if something is heavier or lighter? What happens to the scales?  What does it mean if the scales are equal?  Ask us-we know the answer!

NYCoS-We were very lucky to work with Mrs Gray today.  In P1M we have sung throughout the year in class and with Miss Bain. Today we learned some new NYCoS songs.  We listened carefully, tried our hardest to sing in tune and keep a steady beat.  Over the next few weeks we will continue to use NYCoS songs and games to develop our skills in Music.  We’ve even been singing when we’ve been doing the register.




We have been learning about weather in primary 1. One of our homework tasks was to make a musical instrument which represents a type of weather.  It has been fantastic to see how creative the boys and girls have been. We’ve had wind chimes, rain sticks, storm drums and snow sticks.  Next steps in our learning will be to create weather tools to measure different types of weather.  We are planning to make these in class. Parents beware-we might have weather forecasters or meteorologists of the future!



P1 Teddy Bears Picnic

P1M and P1S children visited the Botanic gardens in Edinburgh for a very special teddy bears picnic today.  We learned what bears need to survive-ask us about SWAF (Shelter, Water, Air and Food).  We hunted for paw print clues, played games and built our own islands in groups.  Tosca, our school teddy, had a great day out and was very well behaved.  We were even joined by some ducks this afternoon!

The children are desperate to go back again-maybe you could visit at the weekend or during the summer holidays?

You were commended on your super behaviour-well done boys and girls, it was a pleasure being part of this great day with you.  I’m sure we’ll all sleep  soundly tonight!  Tosca is already snoring!!

A special thank you to our parent/adult helpers-we hope you enjoyed your day out too.




Term 4 in Primary 1


We have been out and about this week. In our maths work we have been collecting data to create simple graphs and analyse our results. It was lots of fun looking for mini beasts in the playground.  It was quite difficult to find some of the minibeasts on our sheet as they were camoflaged -as pointed out by Oskari.


We went on a Spring Scavenger hunt.  It was lots of fun looking for signs of spring-we found lots of new things growing in our playground.


We hope our sunflower seeds grow soon!  We know what they need to grow, they have been watered and are now on the windowsill to get warmth and light from the sun.  Will they grow as big as us, or will they grow bigger than Mrs McKay? We can’t wait to find out!

Questioning our friends about their favourite things-more data handling.

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite pet?

What is your favourite colour?