Author Archives: Mrs Sutherland

Primary 6 Descriptive Writing

Primary 6 wrote excellent descriptions using only a picture as their stimulus. They had to decide what the boy in the window was looking at, and what his thoughts might be. We started off the lesson with a drawing activity and some vocabulary building.

Guess the Fairy Tale!

The boys worked very hard with Mrs Waugh today. They watched a short film and had to re-tell the story without any words! The success criteria was for someone to figure out the story and the correct order. Can you guess what the story is?

Literacy in the Calm Corner

Handwriting can be relaxing or it can be something that children find challenging. The boys were very confused this morning when our handwriting had no pens or pencils – instead we practised getting our hands ready for writing, with sand, playdough and paper scrunching and tearing. The boys also got to write in big letters on the promethean board.

Our calm book area has a lovely new set of Roald Dahl books thanks to Mrs Glen. Mrs Glen and Mr McCabe read these books with the children at snack time, and I think they both enjoy this as much as the pupils!

Primary 3/2 French – Les Animaux

The pupils in Primary 3/2 are welcoming Camembear into their class every week. Camembear has been helping them to learn the names of some animals in French. They shared their learning with Ms Benzeval by creating these fantastic representations of les animaux en francais.

Making Animals

In the small group this morning we chose Knex and built animals. We built a snake, a dinosaur, a butterfly and mousy. We used the cards for some and our imagination for others.

We hope that you like our pictures and that they will give you inspiration!

Mr McCabe, Mrs Sutherland and the team!