Author Archives: Mrs Creaney

Christmas Wreaths

Christmas Wreaths

Uphall Primary is working in partnership with The Brock Garden Centre to enhance children’s experiences of gardening and outdoor learning.
The Brock is a charitable organisation and social enterprise which supports adults with enduring mental health issues. They provide a variety of activities such as horticulture, woodworking and crafts with all monies raised being put back into the organisation to make it a sustainable enterprise. Tomorrow at our Christmas Fayre The Brock will be taking order for Christmas Wreaths. These wreaths will cost £20 for a 12″ wreath, with payment being taken tomorrow and collection dates provided.
Please help us to support our community partner by purchasing your Christmas wreath from them.

Suggestions for Playground Improvements

We are looking to continuously improve our school environment to best meet the needs of all pupils. As we continue to engage with parents and carers, we would like some suggestions from you to improve our playground areas and outdoor environment for play and learning.
Please access the link below to give us your suggestions.

If you have any spare time we would appreciate your help to tidy our garden before the winter.

Calling All Primary 1 Parents/Carers

At Uphall Primary we are striving to improve communication between home and school.

Last year, as part of our school improvement planning process and our family learning initiative, we invited parents of Primary 1 pupils to tell us about their experience of the transition process from nursery to P1.

We would now like to hear from our current P1 parents as we continue to improve the transition process.

You are invited to attend a conversation café at Uphall Primary on Friday 10th November at 11.40am.  Please join us if you are free for tea, coffee and conversation.

Many thanks for your continued support.