Author Archives: Miss Hall

Wednesday 3rd June P3 Home Learning

This week’s theme is MUSIC!

Literacy: L.I. To use commas to write in a list

Refresh your brain about how we write lists using commas, click here:

Practise using this fun quiz! Click here: T2-E-456-Using-Commas-to-Separate-Items-in-a-List-SPaG-Punctuation-Powerpoint-Quiz

Now listen and watch to this piece of music and make of list (in a sentence, using commas) of all the musical instruments you can see and hear!

Maths: Finding a fraction of an amount, click here:Introduction to Fractions of Amounts PowerPoint Remember we drew arrays to help us to find fraction of amounts…

I shared 6 dots into 3 equal groups because I want to find a third. Then I just count up how much is in one circle to tell me one third. 1/3 of 6=2. I could find out 2 thirds by adding 2 circles, 2/3 of 6=4.

Complete the following



  1. ½ of 10
  2. 1/3 of 15
  3. ¼ of 20
  4. 1/5 of 20
  5. ½ of 14



  1. 2/4 of 20
  2. 2/3 of 15
  3. 3/5 of 15
  4. ¾ of 20
  5. ½ of 50 ( think of alternative way to solve than drawing an array)



Hot (you will not be able to draw arrays to solve these, you will have to use your times tables (remember the inverse relationship between multiplication and division) and/or draw dienes)


  1. ½ of 70
  2. 2/5 of 40
  3. 2/3 of 180
  4. ¾ of 100
  5. 2/4 of 80 (what is 2/4 the same as?)

Musical Maths: Try this fun Musical Maths challenge! Click here:Musical Maths!


Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: complete one activity from the carousel, click here: Spelling phonicsreading carousel


Afternoon work: This week we will be working towards joining in the ‘Door step Samba Challenge’ on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to make your own Maracas and practise playing one of the samba rhythms on your Maracas!

*Please note that this week I am working in one of the school hubs and will be unable to comment on the blog throughout the day. I will still enjoy seeing pictures of your work on Twitter though! J













Tuesday 2nd June P3 Home Learning

This week’s theme is MUSIC!

Literacy: L.I. To edit and improve a piece of writing

Read this piece of writing- can you be like a teacher and spot the missing capital letters and full stops? Rewrite it with your corrections!

hamish macCunn was a famous classical composer his opera was called diarmid he had a genuine love of Scottish folksong, and although he lived in london he was a lifelong champion of Scottish music and of the country’s musical life he was born in Greenock and was the son of a shipowner his first successful piece of music was called ‘The Land of the Mountain and the Flood’.

Why not listen to some of his famous work?

Maths: Finding a fraction of a picture, watch this and complete this work:Pizza Fractions Worksheet

Musical Maths: Try this fun Musical Maths challenge! Click here: Musical Maths!

Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: complete one activity from the carousel, click here:Spelling phonicsreading carousel


Afternoon work: This week we will be working towards joining in the ‘Door step Samba Challenge’ on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to make your own Guiro and practise playing one of the samba rhythms on your Guiro!

*Please note that this week I am working in one of the school hubs and will be unable to comment on the blog throughout the day. I will still enjoy seeing pictures of your work on Twitter though! J




Monday 1st June P3 Home Learning

This week’s theme is MUSIC!

Literacy: L.I. To write expressively about a piece of music

Listen to a piece a music by the famous Scottish Celtic band ‘Runrig’ (search on ‘You Tube’ with an adult). Consider how the piece of music makes you feel and the instruments you can hear within it. Does the piece of music remind you of anything? Do you the like the music? Answer the following questions here:   cfe2-mu-18-runrig-listen-to-music-activity-sheet-english                  Make sure you write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops!


Maths: Finding a fraction of a whole/ ordering fractions, click here:FRACTIONS of a whole

Musical Maths: Try this fun Musical Maths challenge! Click here: Musical Maths!

Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: complete one activity from the carousel, click here: Spelling phonicsreading carousel


Afternoon work: This week we will be working towards joining in the ‘Door step Samba Challenge’ on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to make your own drum and practise playing one of the samba rhythms on your drum!

*Please note that this week I am working in one of the school hubs and will be unable to comment on the blog throughout the day. I will still enjoy seeing pictures of your work on Twitter though! 🙂

Tuesday 26th May P3 Home Learning

  1. Literacy

By the end of this week I’d like you to produce a mini-travel story about you pretending to visit your dream location. In this story I would like you to add some basic phrases (e.g. French or Spanish) that you have learnt in your home learning.

Here is my example (WAGOLL):

Dashing around her bedroom, Miss Hall shoved the last of her holiday clothes into her already bursting suitcase! “Hurry up! You’re always en retard!” shouted Jason Momoa.

Within no time, Miss Hall and Jason were on their way to the airport, anxious that they would catch their flight on time! “Phew! We made it!” said Miss Hall and they boarded the flight, “I told you not to worry!”

After enjoying far too many mini boxes of Pringles Miss Hall and Jason finally landed in Paris. As they stepped off the plane the sights of France hit them. “Bonjour!” said the flight attendant, “il fait chaud aujourd’hui”.

“Ahhhh, oui! replied Miss Hall as she slowly began to remember her GCSE French.

“Wow! Est-ce le tour Eiffel?” exclaimed Jason.

“I think so…allons-y!” smiled Miss Hall and off they rushed to discover one of France’s most beautiful landmarks.

L.I. To identify the key features of the WAGOLL

Can you spot or highlight the following features…

  • A variety of sentence openers
  • Speech (remember new speaker=new line)
  • Some basic French phrases
  • Use of a variety of words for ‘said’

Now start to plan out your travel story. Where will you go? What will you do? Who will you go with? Find some useful French or Spanish phrases you can include.

2. Numeracy: Pictograms- click here: pictograms

3, Phonics/ Reading/ Spelling: Complete one activity from the carousel, click here: Spelling phonicsreading carousel

4. Languages: Pick and complete one challenge from the Spanish or French challenge sheet.

Click here:the_great_french_language_challenge

Or here:the_great_spanish_language_challenge (1)