Author Archives: Mrs Hare

P6 Burns Assembly


On 27th January, P6 did an assembly all about Robert Burns.  We sang lots of his songs and recited lots of his poems, like ‘Tae a Mouse’. We also had some lovely soloists that sang songs that Burns wrote, like ‘Red Red Rose’.  We also had a Toast to the Lassies and the reply back to the lads.  Our performance of Tam O’ Shanter was frighteningly fun too!  Finally, we finished the assembly with a very emotional song called ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

A big well done to all of the P6 pupils for putting on an amazing assembly.  We did ourselves proud!


‘O my Luve’s like a red, red rose,
That’s newly sprung in June,’

Red, Red Rose, Robert Burns


‘Think! ye may buy joys o’er dear – 
Remember Tam o’ Shanter’s mare.’

Tam O’ Shanter, Robert Burns

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After all the hard work that went into our assembly, we rewarded ourselves with some Irn Bru and shortbread!

If you weren’t able to attend the assembly, or perhaps you enjoyed it so much that you’d like to watch it again, here it is!

Blogged by Katie and Grace B.

P6A Robert Burns Portrait

We each received a little piece of paper with part of Robert Burns on it then we drew it on a larger piece of paper.  Then we painted our piece of Robert Burns.  We painted it with little sponges to create bumps and texture – some pieces were harder to paint than others! Then we finally pieced it together and displayed it at our school assembly at the back of the hall. 😀😀😜😜


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By Ava P and Alex






P7 and P6 Christmas Party

Today was the P7 and P6 Christmas Party and we all had a fantastic time!  We danced, played games, stopped for a snack and then danced some more before finishing up with a rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

Here are some pictures from the party:











And what kind of party would it be if we didn’t do a Mannequin Challenge?!  Click below to see ours!

P6A Quality Meats Scotland

On Wednesday 7th December, Jennifer from Quality Meats Scotland came to visit the P6s and P7s to tell us about food nutrition.

She told us about the Eatwell Guide, different food groups and all the important vitamins and minerals that we get from food.

Then she told us about Scotch Assured Meat and what the labels we see on packaging really mean.  When we see ‘Scotch Beef’ on meat packets in butchers and supermarkets, that doesn’t just mean the cows it came from are from Scotland, it also means that those animals were treated fairly.

Finally, she taught us how to make fajitas using fresh ingredients.  Some lucky people in the class got chosen to help prepare the food but we all got to taste the end result!  It was delicious!

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P6 Trip to Robert Burns Birthplace Museum

On Tuesday 6th December both Primary 6 classes went on a trip to the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum.  Robert Burns was born in Alloway so we had to travel on the bus for 1 and a half hours.  When we got to the museum we got split into 2 groups.

The first group started with the museum part first and saw some really cool stuff and learned a lot about Robbie Burns’ life and poems.  Then we went to see the Tam O’ Shanter show of moving iron sculptures and after that we had lunch.




Here we are in the museum with Robert Burns’ actual writing desk and chair!


After lunch we went to on a guided tour.  First stop was the Robert Burns Memorial and Gardens.





Then went to the Brig O’ Doon – the famous bridge from Tam O’ Shanter.  We even got to see Tam being chased by the witches and warlocks over the bridge!  Well, we had to use our imaginations a little whilst some volunteers acted out the chase scene for us.




Then we walked around the Auld Kirk, where Tam first heard the music and saw the witches dancing.  We had a peek in the window but didn’t see any witches!




Next we walked down Poet’s Path.  There we saw some sculptures inspired by Burns’ life and poems – our favourite was the giant mouse from To A Mouse.




Then we met with Chris and Ally who told us all about the clothes that people would have worn in Burns’ time.  Men wore waistcoats, tail jackets and tied stocks around their necks.  Women wore long dresses, pinnies and much caps.  After learning about the clothes people wore, we all had to get dressed up in them before going in to Burns’ Cottage.




The cottage had 3 main parts; a byre, the kitchen and the spence.  The byre was where Robert would do his chores like cleaning up after the cows and the girls would churn butter and milk.  The kitchen was actually 3 rooms in one – it was a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen.  Volunteers pretended to be William (Robert’s dad) sleeping on his chair, Agnes (Robert’s mum) making dinner and rocking the baby and Auntie Betty who told us a Ghaist Story!  The spence is where John Murdoch would have taught Robert and his brothers.  We learned that girls weren’t allowed to get an education back in Burns’ time so the girls had to stand against the wall whilst the boys sat at the desk.





Then we went to the gift shop before a long bus journey home and we arrived back at school late!  It was a really fun trip and we enjoyed it. We learned so much about Robert Burns.

Blogged by Ross and Eve