This term the P6 class has started to learn all about the Victorians. Click on the link to view a powerpoint presentation created in Glow by Logan.
Well done Logan!
This term the P6 class has started to learn all about the Victorians. Click on the link to view a powerpoint presentation created in Glow by Logan.
Well done Logan!
We learned about Mary Queen of Scots. She was crowned at Linlithgow Palace. We learned about thousands, hundreds, tens and units and we also learned about area and perimeter in maths.
Written by ‘Amy and Samuel – Digital Media leadership group
We managed to master dividing by 100. We learned how to multiply by 150. We learned how to write a story and to look up the definition of our spelling words in the dictionary.
(Written by the P6B Digital media Leadership Group)
In the first term of P5 we have been learning about Malala Yousafzai and her life story. With Mr McGowan we were learning what illusion art was was to make a piece of our own. Before doing our art we were looking at some videos to get some ideas. In PE we were learning to play hockey and rounders. In hockey we were doing matches to get an idea of it. Rounders is when there are two teams one team bats while the other team fields and bowls. The bowler bowls the ball to the batter who hits the ball forward on the rounders pitch.
(Written by P5M Digital media leadership group)