Author Archives: Ms Benzeval

Primary 2 Transport Museum Trip

We had an amazing time at the transport Museum.  It was great to see some of the old forms of transport we have learning about in class including the Benz Motorwagan and the Penny Farthing.  The children loved all the interactive exhibits and being able to explore old buses, trams and even a replica subway.  Thanks so much to our parent helpers for volunteering to come along to help us visit the museum. 

Primary 2G Transport Assembly

We really enjoyed performing our assembly today.  The children worked really hard to learn their lines and songs and gave a great performance in front of the school and parents.  Here is some of the feedback from the children. 

I really enjoyed opening and closing the assembly.  Jordan

I enjoyed performing the Mr Dan song.  Graeme / Logan

I found the Mrs. Armitage sketch really funny.  Leah

I liked skating in my Heeleys on stage.  Erin

I liked listening to all the different inventions.  I would like to have a McDonalds car too.  Lillie

I liked all the props in the Mrs. Armitage sketch.  I though it was funny when they all fell on stage when Mrs. Armitage took her bike to the skip.  Rhia

I also liked it when the whole class joined in with WHAT MRS ARMITAGE REALLY WANTS is….  Leah

I thought we performed really well but next time we should try to sing louder.  Lille

I enjoyed designing my invention of a ‘bunnicorn’.  I wrote my own words and designed my costume. It was great fun.  Archie

I liked being part of the transport timeline, I really liked making all the transport props and thought they looked great on the stage.  Graeme

I liked dressing up as an inventor.  Harrison

I enjoyed acting out the story of Mrs. Armitage. Lillie

I liked listening to everyone reading their lines.  Sophie.

I enjoyed practising the sketch of Mrs. Armitage on Wheels. Sophie.

I enjoyed the birdmen flying and falling down.  I really liked the music for the birdmen.  Sophie / Cassie / Leah / Skye / Brady

I really enjoyed being a birdman and loved my wings.  The music was fun to fly to and I thought it was funny when we fell down.  Shane

I enjoyed working with Archie on the history of the car.  I liked to run faster than a car.  Erin

I enjoyed singing The Runaway Train.  Leon.

I liked making the Viking longboats to decorate the hall. Brady

I enjoyed singing and dancing to the songs. Rhia

I was nervous to say my lines on stage but I managed it. Skye

I liked it when the audience laughed. Ellie