P1 Home Learning Thursday 14th

Morning P1. I hope you are all well this morning. Today’s activity is all about having some fun with capacity and measuring out liquids. The magic potion shop is running very low can you help them to restock their shelves?


Note to parents- Recipes are just for guidance, you can alter amounts to make them less (especially if you are using kitchen supplies), add food colouring, glitter, washing up liquid etc to make the ingredients and use anything you have to hand like cups, teaspoons etc to measure out.

Hope you have lots of fun with this.

Miss Mackay

9 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning Thursday 14th

  1. Brilliant 😂 right up Jake’s street as he’s always making potions when in the bath.

  2. Post author

    Excellent! You’ve just given another idea there, I hadn’t thought about making potions in the bath. Could be less messy 😉

    Miss Mackay x

  3. Morning Miss Mackay and P1, can’t wait to hear what potions are created today. This reminds me of making ‘perfume’ out of water, flowers and other things I found outside in the garden. Happy memories. Another sunny day, hope you all have a super day.

  4. Post author

    Morning Mrs McKay, another good idea there for potion making. I used to like pressing flowers in a big book when I was little.

    Miss Mackay x

  5. Hi Mrs McKay.. morning..I have send you some interesting reading videos of Daiym..please check..hope you like ..have a lovely day..x

  6. I dont know about less messy 🙈😂. Aww making perfume, used to love making this then putting it in wee bottles for all my neighbours 😊 x

  7. Hi Mrs Daiym has finished hi potion making task..we are sending you pictures..also he did lava making with measurements..he os liking the volume and capacity..it looked like we have turned our kitchen into chemistry lab this morning..lol..
    Takes me back into my own study days…its very engaging task indeed..x

  8. Post author

    Wow your potion making looks excellent and lots of fun. I love the lava experiment :). I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to work out a different way to upload my video. I wonder if you can try Mrs McKay’s right click and open trick. I am so sorry though. Miss Mackay XX

  9. Hi..thanks Miss Mackay..we are going to try that now by clicking right on it .hope it works..have a lovely afternoon x

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