P2/3 Monday 20th April Activities :)

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter holiday!

We have been painting, dancing, drawing, baking, exercising and watching movies.  Mainly Coco as its Aria’s favourite! LOL!

I’d Love to hear what you have been doing. Please send a wee message letting me know how you are and what you have been doing.

Here are today’s activities and our weekly grid of tasks.

I hope you enjoy! Let me know how you get on here on the Blog.

Miss Anderson 🙂

Phonics-Session ea sound wk 3

Numeracy lesson 1 addition week 3

General task grid week 3

Spellings Wk3- 20.4.20

6 thoughts on “P2/3 Monday 20th April Activities :)

  1. Owen has a busy easter, hes been on lots of bike rides, had an easter egg hunt, done a trampoline challenge and made his owen YouTube channel on looking after his pets. Hope you all had a lovely easter break x

  2. Hi Miss Anderson,
    I have had a good easter and had lots of chocolate from the easter bunny.

    I have been baking, watching movies and my favourite one was Jack, about a boy in school who is 10 and he was funny.

    My most enjoyment over the holidays has been pillow fights with all the family which was great fun and we did it lots of times!

    I have been on daily walks and my biggest walk yet was up to binny craig, which is a very steep hill.
    On the way we saw lots of cows and sheep, the cows came very close blocking the gates which was funny!

    Other exercise has been cosmic yoga, go noodle and Joe Wickes.

    i also had a birthday and am now 7! I had lots of presents, including a new bike, which i hope to ride on by the summer! It was a shame we couldn’t go to crazy golf and pizza hut but we had an indoor picnic with lots of snacks and treats!

    Hope we can get in the garden later to enjoy the sunshine!

    Have fun!

    Ava Cowe x

  3. Post author

    Wow! That sounds like a brilliant holiday! Happy Birthday too! A big 7 now!!! An indoor picnic sounds like great fun too! I’m sure by summer time you will be super on your bike!

    Thank you for letting me know what you’ve been up to. I’m missing everyone at school.

    Miss Anderson 🙂

  4. Post author

    Hi that all sounds like great fun! Aria loved her Easter egg hunt this year. I hope you’ve still got some left to eat! My goodness you might be famous the next time i see you now that you have your own youtube channel!:)

    Thank you for telling me what you have been up to. I’m missing everyone at school.

    Miss Anderson. 🙂

  5. Hi Miss Anderson, I had a great Easter with my family. We cleaned up my trampoline and played on it every day. I had lots of yummy Easter eggs from the Easter bunny. I went for long walks with my big brother Calum and watched movies with my Mum and Dad.
    I hope you had a good Easter too.

    I have completed my tasks for today. Some were tricky but I got it in the end. 🙂🙂

  6. Post author

    Hi that sounds a great Easter Holiday! Bouncing on a trampoline sounds great fun! Aria has a small one but her favourite is still her chute! I’m glad you s== persevered with the tasks and got there in the end. Well done! Miss Anderson 🙂

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