Term 2 in P1M

There has been great excitement in class this week-we discovered a trail of golden Elf Dust in class on Monday and a very special letter from Ernie the Elf.  Our new topic is ‘Toys of the Past and Present’ and Ernie is going to send us weekly tasks associated with our topic.  The children are eagerly awaiting their next letter from Ernie!

Our ‘Helping Hands’ topic is now finished, the children loved learning about the important jobs people do to help us.  We were very lucky to have paramedics, a fire fighter,  a school crossing supervisor, a teacher and a lunch hall spervisor in our classroom telling us about the job they do.  The children had lots to ask and developed their questioning skills in the process!  A huge thank you to all involved from everyone in P1M.

We are now well on the way to reaching our third set of fifty tokens.  The class reward for achieving our second set of fifty tokens was to bake in class-a unanimous vote!!

We had a Judo demonstration in school on Monday, the children watched on in amazement as children were able to throw grown-ups to the floor! Letters about Judo club will be in school bags tomorrow.

Apaologies in advance-we have started to learn songs for the Christmas Nativity!

Don’t be surprised if your child starts speaking in French-we have started to learn some basic vocabulary.

à bientôt!