Learning in P1M

Our new Primary 1 children have quickly adjusted to school life and are coping well with the new routines and experiences.  They are enjoying getting to know their class mates and have been very excited to find out what is inside the collection of Marvellous Me boxes that have been created as a homework task.  We used the story of The Rainbow Fish during ‘Friendship Fortnight’ and have talked about the importance of having friends,  who our friends are, who we would like to be friends with and the qualities we look for in a friend.  We have created a class rainbow fish which is now on display in the corridor outside our classroom-pictures to follow next week!  Before the scales could be attached each child had to share their scale with another child in the class and say why they were giving the scale to that person. The children came up with some lovely reasons, these are also on display.

We were very proud when Aidan was given the very first token in the school for sitting well and trying his hardest to learn the new songs and do the corresponding actions.

Stewart was delighted to be invited along to the very first Fun Friday club-he has been an excellent role model in class, listening carefully at all times, following instructions straight away and helping to keep our classroom safe and tidy.