Term 4 in Primary 1


We have been out and about this week. In our maths work we have been collecting data to create simple graphs and analyse our results. It was lots of fun looking for mini beasts in the playground.  It was quite difficult to find some of the minibeasts on our sheet as they were camoflaged -as pointed out by Oskari.


We went on a Spring Scavenger hunt.  It was lots of fun looking for signs of spring-we found lots of new things growing in our playground.


We hope our sunflower seeds grow soon!  We know what they need to grow, they have been watered and are now on the windowsill to get warmth and light from the sun.  Will they grow as big as us, or will they grow bigger than Mrs McKay? We can’t wait to find out!

Questioning our friends about their favourite things-more data handling.

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite pet?

What is your favourite colour?


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