Firework Safety in Primary 1

We used chalk and oil pastels to make bright and colourful pictures of a bonfire and fireworks. We also learned to recognise and write ‘f’ on the same day-great timing!



We have been working with our P7 buddies to remember how to keep safe this weekend. We enjoyed designing firework posters and talking about rules to remember when we are watching fireworks or near a bonfire.  Everyone had the chance to show their poster, talk about what we most enjoyed about making the poster and tell the class one important rule to keep us safe.

Rory-never ever ever put a sparkler near to your eye.

Samuel-never play with fireworks because they could burn you.

Quin-don’t put fireworks near your face.

Katy-hold sparklers at arms length.

Emily-only grown ups should buy and light fireworks, it is safer to go to a special display.

Cory-don’t go back to a firework that didn’t work.
