Week 12 – P2/3 Thursday 25th June 2020 – New Beginnings

Monday 22nd June 2020

New Beginnings

Good morning P2/3.   Hope you are enjoying the sunshine!  How are your sunflowers coming along?  I had to water mine four times yesterday!

This week, we will continue to remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS.


As it is Thoughtful Thursday, please think about your teachers.  Hopefully you will find out your new teacher for 2020/21 soon.  Draw a picture of Miss Anderson or myself…or any other teacher you have had before.  Then think about who you would like to have next year and draw a picture of them.  You could even write us a letter.  We’ve had some lovely letters so far – thank you for those! Once you know who your new teacher is, draw a picture for them and write them a letter.  What do you think they’d like to know about you?  You can e-mail them to the school and we can pass them on.

Here is a blank postcard template if you wish to send a postcard (you could print it out, write your postcard and e-mail us a picture of your work).

Postcard template THURS WEEK 12

If you are catching up from Monday or yesterday, here is what you need:

Emotion Works week five P123

End of Term Activity Book WEEK 12

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wednesday

Summer code breaker MON WEEK 12

If you have time, please complete this e-form at some point during the week.  Thank you.


Well done, and thank you for your hard work and support.  Have a lovely SUMMER HOLIDAY!

Mrs BP and Miss Anderson xx

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