P1-Friday 19th June

Good Morning everyone, fingers crossed the sun comes out soon, it’s looking a bit dull at the moment! We are looking forward to seeing you when you come to collect your reports today. If you are collecting reports for an older sibling and we don’t see you please make sure your P1 has a look in their black folder as we’ve left a little surprise for the children there.

Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay


12 thoughts on “P1-Friday 19th June

  1. Morning šŸ˜Š, Macy is so excited about coming to see both of you sheā€™s not stopped talking about coming to the school since I mentioned it. See you both soon x

  2. Thea was delighted to see you’s this morning and that wee card make me tear up. Thank you šŸ™‚

  3. Post author

    You are more than welcome, it was lovely to see everyone today-even if it had to be from a distance. Have a super weekend.

  4. Post author

    It was so nice to see you all too, it was emotional making the cards and gifts for them. Have a super weekend.

  5. Oh no! Sophia and I are so sorry that we couldnā€™t make it along today. Mummy was busy working hard with her students.
    Will there be another chance to collect Sophias report and to see the teachers?

  6. Post author

    So sorry you weren’t able to make it today, not everyone could due to work commitments etc. I’ll check with management on Monday and get back to you. If not don’t worry, her report will be posted to you and we’ll keep hold of her folder of work until August. Have a lovely weekend.
    Mrs McKay

  7. Thank you so much for the card it might have brought a wee tear. Sorry I couldnā€™t convince Arlo to come and say hi, was hard enough getting him round to collect this bits from P2 teacher. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  8. The card made me tear up. Xander has loved his surprise and his report has made mummy, daddy and his granny and grumps super proud.

  9. Post author

    Every word was true, he’s been a pleasure to teach. It was so nice to see him yesterday-and his huge smile too.

  10. Post author

    We’re glad you got his things, we were looking out for you. Hope you all have a lovely weekend too.

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