5 thoughts on “P1 assembly shout outs Friday 12th June

  1. Well done to everybody in P1. We are so proud of each and every one of you. Remember to take part part in our secret buddy message if you can. Miss Mackay x

  2. Hi Miss McKay

    Would like the message to be to their individual buddies or to all of P7?


  3. Aww her wee face lit up! She says β€œthanc yoo πŸ’œπŸ˜˜β€ – typed it herself!πŸ˜ƒ Thank you!

    I am posting her sports day pictures on Twitter as it’s too big a file to email… bare with me lol x

  4. Hi Mrs McKay. We have sent daiym’s score sheet and other pictures of his activities over the email. Please have a look. Thanks
    Daiym’s mum

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