P2/3 Tuesday 26th May

Good Morning! 🙂

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying languages week.

I have been checking up on Sumdog to see how you are getting on.  Its great to see the effort some of you are putting in. I wonder if how many of you will get the 100 coins on Friday???

I added a Reading task yesterday so that you can all access books online at your level. If you are unsure of your level please email the school and we will get back to you.

Here are today’s tasks and a timetable of who is posting what for you.

Enjoy! Any questions please email the school to contact us.

Miss Anderson and Mrs BP 🙂

Emotion Works week one P123 (2)

P123Maths- Pictogram

Phonics Session 2 oy as in oi sound Tuesday 26th may

Reading Books


the_great_spanish_language_challenge (1)

Mrs BP and Miss Anderson TT

2 thoughts on “P2/3 Tuesday 26th May

  1. Hi Miss Anderson/Mrs BP we have tried to access the story for Lucy’s Blue Day on You Tube but is bringing up Roller Coaster of Emotiond Panda?

  2. Post author

    Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I have uploaded an amended version with the correct link now. 🙂

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