Primary 1 home learning Tuesday 19th.

Good morning primary one. We hope that you enjoyed the long weekend. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see link to weekly plan at the bottom of the page for more details.


ยท Your common words for today

At, be, this, have and from. alphabet song


Sumdog Challenge โ€“ see plan for more details.


ยท Mrs Grenfell will provide activities for you.

Have a good day. days of the week rap months of the year.

Home Learning Grid May 19th

Thank you again to everyone who sent in pictures of their people who help us project. I am going to put together a presentation so you can see each others work. If you didn’t manage to send in a photo last week but would like to you still have time this week.

15 thoughts on “Primary 1 home learning Tuesday 19th.

  1. Morning ๐Ÿ˜Š have we to get the kids to pick what they do on Sumdog or is there a set challenge x

  2. Hi, Arlo has went onto sumdog and had a little go but can’t see any challenge on there. Also wanted to double check you received his project from last week.

  3. Post author

    Good Morning, Yes I received his project and it is excellent. Well Done. I hoped the sumdog challenge would appear when they logged on to the maths section. From my end it all appears to be working. I can see some children on it. I’ll see what I can work out. I’m so sorry about this. It all seemed so simple at first. Miss Mackay x

  4. Post author

    Ahh Miss Mackay may have just worked out her mistake. She needs to go back to school and learn a little more about time again. I had set it to start at 9pm instead of 9am! Oops ๐Ÿ™

    If somebody can please try to logon again and let me know if it works this time. Sorry also to those children who had already been completing questions. Well done for working so hard.

    An embarrassed Miss Mackay x

  5. I think we are in, we went into Task on the start menu and at the top it said Challenge.

    My fault as I just didn’t look properly! Thanks Miss McKay ๐Ÿ˜

  6. Hi mrs McKay..hope you’re fine. Since it’s still the month of Ramadan going on ,I am sending you an email of some pictures of Daiym at the time of opening fast. It was a bit late for him to stay awake but he insisted to be there with us at the time of opening fast. He wants to share his pictures looking forward for Eid-ul-l get all dressed up and get presents..eid is on this weekend..
    We are doing the Sumdog challenge as well..its a very excited morning with a challenge like this.. looks like he can’t wait till Friday to finish.

    Hope you have a lovely day


  7. We also made the home cinema from the activity ideas you sent us to children for over the long really went so well, we watched lego movie, made tickets, had was so much fun.. great to think with just such simple things, what wonders we can do by even staying indoors !! Indeed it’s going to work for us for the weekends now.. will send some pictures
    Hope you had a lovely weekend too..x

  8. I can see Elspeth’s challenge, but it is saying 250 questions for Friday, is that correct? We’ve done a few but I can’t see her doing anything like 60 per day.

  9. Post author

    Yes that is the one. Thats absolutely not a problem, I know that is a lot. We thought we would do it as a bit of a trial this week so it is a standard Sumdog one. If the kids enjoyed it we thought we can tailor it a bit more for a future activity. We can see how many questions are answered so every one that takes part will get a coin reward on Sumdog. Miss Mackay x

  10. Afternoon, thank you for sorting the Sumdog challenge Miss Mackay. I’ve loved seeing the emails that have come in about the home cinema and Ramadan. Thank you for sending them in. Have a lovely afternoon.

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