14 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning Wed 6th May

  1. Post author


    It is the sounds that the letters of the alphabet make. If you watch the link to Mr Tumble you will see them there. Hope this helps.

  2. Thank you Miss McKay,

    I did wonder if it was just the letters. Archie has been watching Mr Tumble, but as usual, when we ask him a question the answer is “I don’t know”!


  3. Post author

    Thats ok. Aww I think he does know. I’ll get Mrs McKay to confirm but he should be able to recognise most of them.

  4. Yes just the sounds for each letter in the alphabet (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,etc). He did know them all but might be a bit rusty due to the current situation!

  5. Morning β™₯️ Lillie loves singing the song but really struggles at L,M,N,O,P she gets really frustrated but I said keep singing it and it will eventually sink in, she says she will have it perfect by the time she comes back. Hope ur all enjoying the beautiful weather, x

  6. Post author

    Thank you to everyone who has been sending in examples of their work today. They have all been excellent and it makes me so happy to see them. Miss Mackay x

  7. Perfect πŸ˜€ she now has it correct, thankfully the song was in my head all day, thanks for your help, sorry we haven’t emailed anything as I keep loosing the email address πŸ™ˆ sorry xxx

  8. We always end up with songs stuck in our heads too! Nativity time is the worst-you even dream about them and they go round in your head when you wake during the night! Don’t worry about sending in pictures, commenting on the blog even once a week is great.

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