Friday 1st May P3 Home Learning

Morning P3!

So lessons this week have been quite different! We have been trying to reduce screen time and I’ve been trying to cut down the amount of work a little! Now, I need your feedback! How have you found the change? Have you had enough to do? Do you want anything more? Please give your feedback on the blog and use this e-form…

Additional tasks for today…

  1. Read your favourite story book and act it out to whoever you live with. Can they work out which story you are acting out? Remember you can’t say the title of the book or the names of any of the characters!

2. Make your own division board game!  Then play it! Here are some examples…

3. General task grid week 4

Remember next Monday and Tuesday are bank holidays so there will be no online learning for the whole school.  Wednesday- Friday the whole school will be completing some internet safety tasks. Have a look on Wednesday morning to see what you have to do!


Have a lovely long weekend! Take care! 😀

6 thoughts on “Friday 1st May P3 Home Learning

  1. Kali has found this week’s tasks really engaging and enjoyable. I feel she has been more resilient and able to work independently on these tasks. However, I would say that she does enjoy the occasional digital task too.

    Thank you for all your hard work, Miss Hall. Have a lovely holiday weekend from the Patience house.

  2. Miss Hall,
    My mums work HSBC do learning for kids each week. Today I done
    Paying for things which is basically using adding subtracting and diving. We had to work out from our pocket money how much things cost how long we needed to save and how many weeks it would take.
    We learned how important it is to save and about Bank Accounts credit and debit interest.
    I done this using Zoom so I was using keyboard too

  3. Post author

    OKay thank you for your feedback. That’s great to hear! I will try to get a better balance with our online learning. Have a lovely weekend too! 🙂

  4. Post author

    Thanks for your feedback Arthur! I guess work shouldn’t be eas-remember the growth mindset! Glad you enjoyed it!:)

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