P1 learning activities-Thursday 30th April

Happy Thursday everyone, another week of home learning almost complete. Here is what we would like you to work on today if you can.

Write a thank you letter to a key worker (more details in weekly plan)


See weekly plan for money activities to be worked on this week.


Reading for enjoyment

8 thoughts on “P1 learning activities-Thursday 30th April

  1. Hi Mrs McKay, hope you are well..daiym has sent you letter for key workers on school’s website..took lots of help from mummy, lol
    Only managed to write few lines..its really hard to do a teacher’s job at home..indeed
    We really salute your work as always..not all the days are same at home..hope everything comes back to normal soon as kids are missing their friends and you all..xx

  2. We are planning to take superman mini figure outdoors for a walk today as Daiym thinks he is really him and wants to do some fun..cant wait to see how he feels with his mini-me figure. He loved to see yours and miss Mackay’s pictures as well yesterday.. thanks for sharing with us xxx

  3. Hi Mrs McKay, Harris has been working really hard with his numeracy/money tasks as well as his literacy work.
    I’ll send over some pictures to the school.
    I just wanted to know whether I should still be encouraging him to use his sounds/phonics for writing independently? For example he writes the word chocolate, using his sounds, as ‘choclit’ but when we were baking he noticed that it’s spelled ‘chocolate’. He’s now starting to ask if he’s spelling things correctly. As I said, I’ve been encouraging him to write words how they sound, for example ‘favourite’ was ‘fayvorit’ but now I’m worried this is confusing him. What’s the best thing to do here?


  4. Post author

    Super to hear he is working so hard. With regards to writing this is great as he’s reading tricky words too. I suggest you explain that our language is a funny one as some of the words we use can have spellings that aren’t quite as they sound. Perhaps you could create a little personal dictionary for him so he could record these words in or you could write them for him. Then in future when he’s unsure he could refer back to see if the word he needs is there-again helping with his reading too. I have a personal dictionary that I have for the children but it requires a lot of printing. I’ll ask Mrs Paterson to send you a copy from me via the school email then you can decide whether or not you want to use it. Hope this makes some sense!

  5. Hi Mrs McKay..Daiym wants to share his pictures with his super hero ‘the superman’ , the mini-daiym has been outdoors, in the plants pots observing their height,  hiding behind the bushes,spotting litter, beside the puddle that’s a river to him as he is so tiny, going round the block and came back home..was really fun going out with a different idea of being so small..walk full of curiosity it was..

  6. Post author

    It’s funny how something so simple can be so effective, looking forward to seeing the pictures.

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