P1 learning activities Tuesday 28th April

Good morning, here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details.


  • Your common words for today

as, with, his, they, I


Money activities (see weekly plan)



  • Mrs Grenfell will provide an art activity for you.

8 thoughts on “P1 learning activities Tuesday 28th April

  1. Thank you for the great picture of counting coins. I’m glad he is able to put his pocket money to good use even though getting to the shops is tricky. Miss Mackay x

  2. Orlagh is kind of struggling to understand money. Keeps telling me a £1 is 1 dollar. Sometimes confuses it with a 1p too, so I told her it’s am hundred pence…
    She wonders why there’s no 3p, 4p etc… But when playing shops she was fairly successful in giving me the correct money, even when I asked for £1.88! As we only used one of each coin. Cannot source a £2 x

  3. Post author

    Don’t worry, we only touched on money a little in school-we talked about the value of coins to £2 and how to identify notes to £20. Lots of programmes the children watch will be American and mention dollars, this is very common. Let her have fun playing with money if you can, coin rubbings can help her really look at the pictures and numbers on coins which can help us identify them. My class liked playing ‘Pass the Money’ a game like pass the parcel but with a bag of money. I’d keep money addition and subtraction really simple for now too-within 10p.
    https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money this game might be helpful?
    Or this http://mathwire.com/money/cleanupmoneygame.pdf perhaps she could play this with her sister, using UK coins instead-maybe a bit of healthy competition to collect the most would be a good incentive? Don’t stress though as money will be covered again in school.

  4. She could add up to 10 with ease, that’s why we went higher. But I will keep it within 10. Will do some coin rubbings today☺️ I always use sister rivalry to my advantage, mainly to motivate the older one😂 thank you for the advice x

  5. I have emailed in her coin rubbings.
    We had already seen the money video for today’s work but we have found a really good video on YouTube about money:
    https://youtu.be/wnrHLsHOVgM (Hope the link works…) if not the video is called “Learn Your British Coins!” and it’s posted by “Kiducation”

    Thank you, I hope you have a lovely day too!☺️ x

  6. Post author

    The link works, thank you for sharing. I saw the coin rubbings, they look great-very colourful.

  7. Not a problem, we thought it was a great video and child orientated. We thought we would make each coin a different colour😃

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