4 thoughts on “Friday 24th April P3 Home Learning

  1. Good morning Miss Hall,

    I have completed all my work for the week. I done spicy for numeracy today, I was not sure how to complete the hot. The only way i could see to do hot was to multiply the purple 8×2=16 to give length off the block, then takeaway the length off the green block 16-6=10, then divide the10by2=5 to give length off blue block. Have a nice weekend miss HallπŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

  2. Hi miss hall I wanted to show you my portrait of my uncle Owen I drew this morning. I am very pleased with it

  3. Post author

    Well done Aaron! No worries about the Hot questions! Have a lovely weekend too! πŸ˜€

  4. Post author

    Hey Leo! I’d love to see it! Why don’t you ask an adult to put it on Twitter and tag me in it @MissHal55023156 (remember not to write your name)! πŸ˜€

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