P2/3 Friday 3rd April reading lesson

Good morning librarians,

I hope you’ve had fun categorising (grouping) your books and have decided on a favourite.

Week 2, lesson 3 Reading Home Learning Enjoyment

Did you watch the Blair Drummond Safari Park live feed yesterday?  I know some people did.  I watched the meerkats  with my girls and we asked if they like climbing.  Apparently they like to climb up the park rangers and trees!

Don’t forget to decorate your eggs today.  I’ve got some in a pot ready to decorate with my girls.  I wish I was decorating them with you in class!  All the teachers look forward to seeing your efforts.  If you have Twitter, please tweet us a picture of your egg.

I feel sad I won’t be seeing you before the proper Easter holiday.  I hope you are all well and manage to enjoy the holiday.  I know Miss Anderson feels the same.

Any questions, please just ask!

Love, Mrs BP x

3 thoughts on “P2/3 Friday 3rd April reading lesson

  1. Jake says Happy Easter. Thanks for the lessons, he has especially enjoyed maths. We are just decorating our eggs just now.

  2. Post author

    Happy Easter to you too! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the lessons. I’m looking forward to seeing you egg. You can post a picture to Twitter or e-mail you picture to the school office. Thank you. Mrs BP and Miss Anderson 😀

  3. We watching it to we also cant wait to back in summer time to see all the animals hollie loves the place x

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