P1 learning-Friday 3rd April

Good morning everyone. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see Week 2 timetable for more details.


Dictation (adult to read each sentence for child to spell).

This man is fit.

This man pats the fat cat.

This fat cat sat on the mat.


Fairy Tale Friday

The Golden Fish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY2zicMCi-E


Remember to send us in photos/videos of your hard boiled eggs by 12 o’clock today.                    wluphall-ps@westlothian.org.uk

Numeracy activity using                                                                                                            https://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg2/splat/splatsq100.html                                                                          or                                                                                                                                                                 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/helicopter-rescue

If you are free and fancy a dance tune in to Boogie’s school disco on the Boogie in the Morning Facebook page at 3pm, turn up the volume and have fun celebrating the start of the Easter holidays.


Happy Easter to all of our Primary 1 pupils and families

We have a grid of challenges for you to help keep you busy over the holidays-there is a variety of indoor, outdoor and online activities.  These are not compulsory, just for fun if you and your family are looking for something different to do over the next 2 weeks.


15 thoughts on “P1 learning-Friday 3rd April

  1. Post author

    Morning, I’ll add it onto the blog post, we had some problems with the link last week! Miss Mackay has asked me to say that your photo hadn’t attached-I’m presuming it is the decorated egg.

  2. Good morning Mrs McKay, just wondered how we add our pictures here? Harris has spent a lot of time decorating his egg and would like for you to see it.


  3. We should set up a P1 Facebook/twitter to post pictures… Orlagh is missing everyone! She keeps asking to see Miss Mackay!

    Happy Easter to you and your families!🐣🐰🌸xx

  4. Post author

    Morning, it seems that not all photos are coming through when we receive the emails. You can post your eggs on Twitter and we can see them there-just don’t mention your child’s name if he/she is in the picture or video. Thanks.

  5. Post author

    Morning, we’d love to see it too. You can email it to the school office and it gets forwarded to me or post a picture on Twitter.

  6. Post author

    Could you post the easter egg photo on Twitter that you’d emailed from the girl in my class if possible as no photo has come through I’m afraid. The joys of technology!! Thank you

  7. Morning ladies, we have emailed Arlo’s picture in, hopefully it worked ok. Arlo’s had a tough week, he has been really sad, but he has tried really hard when doing his work and he loves doing his foundation of writing work and we even facetimed his auntie so he could show her and read his sentences to her. We have some very fun science experiments to try over the Easter holiday and we have printed off the Fun Easter Challenge to keep us busy.
    Thank you for all your help over the passed two weeks, we hope you have a lovely Easter break.

  8. Post author

    Hello, yes we’ve got his photo-it looks fantastic. He’s bound to be feeling a variety of emotions as it’s such a strange time for us all. Science experiments sound like a super idea. Hope you all have a lovely Easter break too.

  9. Hey Mrs McKay, just saw your shout out on Boogie in the morning for Uphall Primary and your p1s 🥰🎶🎶

  10. Post author

    I’m so glad you saw it, I’m having a good dance around the around the living room, hope you are too.

  11. Xander has told me that he hopes everyone has a good Easter and that he hopes he’ll see everyone soon.

    He’s been really up and down this week. Some days, he’s been really good with his work and other days, he just wants to muck about.

    We have Bloons, soap making and Candle Making to try over the Easter break. Xander’s also keen to play more swingball

  12. Post author

    Enjoy your Easter holiday-lots of great activities to look forward to, here’s hoping the weather is nice so you can play lots of swingball.

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