P1 Learning-Friday 28th March

Good morning everyone.

Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see Week 1 timetable for more details.


  • Dictation (adult to read each sentence for child to spell):-

The men met at the camp.

The ink is in the pen.

He camps in his tent.

Fairy Tale Friday

  • Read along with the story The Elves and the Shoemaker


This version has some new and interesting vocabulary, can you work out what these words mean

magnificent, flabbergasted, splendid, scuttle


Look for different ways to splat the numbers

odd, even, in fives or tens, try starting with the number 1 then splat all of the numbers in the column all the way down to 91-can you see a pattern?

Have a lovely weekend, we’d love to hear from our pupils-please leave us  a message using ‘Leave a reply’ telling us what you’ve enjoyed doing this week, or perhaps something you’ve missed. Mrs McKay is missing school lunch and Miss Mackay is missing sharpening pencils!

21 thoughts on “P1 Learning-Friday 28th March

  1. I’m missing all of the primary 1s more! I agree with Mrs McKay though, it would be lovely to hear from as many of you as possible today. Happy Friday and well done for all your hard work this week. x

  2. Xander is missing Mrs McKay, Miss Mackay, his friends, the bouncer (we think he means space hopper), school lunch (especially macaroni cheese and pizza) and playtime.

  3. Hi Everyone,
    Gracie is missing everyone at school, although not very keen to do any of the work for Mummy🙄. But when she does try and do any of it she is trying her hardest! She just wants to give everybody a cuddle! Thank you guys for being all so organised with your lesson plans. Stay safe ❤

  4. We are all missing her as well I’m sure, I know I am. Keep trying your best with all the tasks. We all know you can do it. Hugs to all of P1 xx

  5. Thea is missing Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay and her friends. She enjoyed practising her letter formation on the white board.

    Nothing is coming up for us when we click on the numeracy link.

  6. Archie says he misses all of his teachers and friends. School is going slowly, but we are trying our best. He is loving being at home with his baby brother and all his toys though! Couldn’t get primary games to work, so did some more sumdog and fact families instead. Archie enjoyed today’s story and even joined in with some Joe Wicks PE

  7. Post author

    Hello, that’s great to hear, I know how much she loves to write. The numeracy link should take you to an activity called splat on Primarygames.co.uk

  8. Hi Mrs Mackay..good morning, the link you sent for splat the numbers is not working. Please let us know if there is an alternate to this. Thanks

  9. Post author

    I think we are all in the same boat, we just do what we can. I’m not sure what has happened with the Splat game, I’m able to access it when I type it into Google-it’s just a hundred square that you can splat with coloured paint to show different number patterns. Working on fact families and Sumdog is a great alternative though. I’m sure his brother is pleased to have him at home too.

  10. Post author

    Morning, try typing Splat into Google, it should take you to primarygames.co.uk, it’s an interactive hundred square that lets you look for number patterns by filling them with coloured paint. Or you could go to Topmarks.co.uk and play Helicopter Rescue. Hope this helps.

  11. Hiya Mrs Mckay&Miss Mckay, Jake is really missing yous and all his friends especially Harris. Jake enjoyed doing his beach picture&story yesterday, he was also learning how to tell the time. Jake’s been really busy baking aswell. He’s made a rainbow sponge and chocolate chip cookies, and made a beautiful rainbow for our window. Takecare and hopefully see yous all soon. X

  12. Post author

    Hello, so nice to hear from you. They sound delicious, lots of skills being used in the kitchen. My little girl made a rainbow too for our window. When we see the rainbows other children have drawn it makes us both smile. Keep safe and have a super weekend.

  13. Thank you for all this week. We made a rainbow on our window and Gabriel draw a pinguin 🙂 Have a lovely weekend for all of you

  14. Hi Miss Mackay and Mrs Mackay, the splat link worked for us, we had a look at the 10-100 line and the 5’s today. Arlo is enjoying changing the splat colours.
    I miss ma teechr (from Arlo)
    Arlo’s enjoyed mental maths this week watching numberblocks. We have made a daily timetable on the chalkboard which is working really well for him.
    Mum has been pleasantly surprised at well Arlo is doing with some work especially the dictation work today.

  15. That’s great news to hear that you have been pleased with his progress. All our P1s work so hard and it will be lovely for the parents to see how they have improved across the year. The chalk board timetable is a fab idea as well. Maybe something others can try out as well.

  16. Hamish is also missing Miss Mackay and all his wee pals running around the playground! He’s especially enjoyed learning about odd and even numbers this week, using maps to find treasure in the garden and finding things around the house which have ‘oa’ in them.

    Have a good weekend and stay safe and well everyone!

  17. Post author

    It’s so nice to hear what our little ones have been up to. We are missing all of your cheery faces and conversations with your parents and carers, hopefully it won’t be too long until we get back to normal. We appreciate how tricky this week will have been for the grown ups at home, try to have a relaxing weekend. Sending a huge smile and high five to you all-first week of learning at home completed!

  18. Harris is missing all his friends, especially Jake and Luke. He’s also missing Mrs McKay.
    Harris has enjoyed using sumdog. We couldn’t get the link to splat 100 to work, but managed to find it on google.
    Harris also enjoyed yesterday’s ‘A day at the beach’ task. It made him wish he was back on holiday.
    Harris would also like to let Jake to know that he’s learned to whistle, so it’s been louder than normal in our house lately!
    He’s looking forward to making marsbar cake this afternoon.

  19. Post author

    That’s great, I know how he feels! Enjoy your baking, the thought is making my tummy rumble! Hopefully the novelty of whistling will wear off soon! Have a super weekend.

  20. Lillie has been missing all her friends and teachers and asks everyday if she is going to school, thanks so much for all your help and uploading videos, we look forward to next week, have a nice weekend and stay safe teachers.

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