Monthly Archives: September 2018

P6H Maths

This week in class the Primary 6H pupils have been learning about decimals.  They have been working with tenths and can sequence them, count forward and back and also add and subtract using them.  We used concrete materials initially to help with our understanding of the concept.

French In 6B

The children have been learning to say and recognise parts of the body in French and are beginning to learn to use them in a sentence. They have been using a variety of interactive activities to consolidate them. They are also starting to learn to write basic sentences in French and practised making sentences by joining together different French words.

P6B Pupil Blog

Hi this is P6B  blog.


In maths this week, we have been learning place value up to millions.  We have been learning this by doing fun activities such as making posters, number talks and played fun games like Yahtzee. We have also drawn Parabolic Curves (it was fun). Parabolic curves are a type of maths art you draw using only straight lines.


On the 13 of September it was Roald Dahl day and we did activities like writing a biography and learning facts about  Roald Dahl. We learnt lots of interesting things about Roald Dahl.

In guided reading, we were reading Spy Dog, some people found it interesting.  The best part was when the dog was riding a bike.

During spelling we have three spelling groups called the green group,the blue group and the red group. today we had a dictation to test our spelling words.

By Eva and Kaja.