Primary 2G Transport Assembly

We really enjoyed performing our assembly today.  The children worked really hard to learn their lines and songs and gave a great performance in front of the school and parents.  Here is some of the feedback from the children. 

I really enjoyed opening and closing the assembly.  Jordan

I enjoyed performing the Mr Dan song.  Graeme / Logan

I found the Mrs. Armitage sketch really funny.  Leah

I liked skating in my Heeleys on stage.  Erin

I liked listening to all the different inventions.  I would like to have a McDonalds car too.  Lillie

I liked all the props in the Mrs. Armitage sketch.  I though it was funny when they all fell on stage when Mrs. Armitage took her bike to the skip.  Rhia

I also liked it when the whole class joined in with WHAT MRS ARMITAGE REALLY WANTS is….  Leah

I thought we performed really well but next time we should try to sing louder.  Lille

I enjoyed designing my invention of a ‘bunnicorn’.  I wrote my own words and designed my costume. It was great fun.  Archie

I liked being part of the transport timeline, I really liked making all the transport props and thought they looked great on the stage.  Graeme

I liked dressing up as an inventor.  Harrison

I enjoyed acting out the story of Mrs. Armitage. Lillie

I liked listening to everyone reading their lines.  Sophie.

I enjoyed practising the sketch of Mrs. Armitage on Wheels. Sophie.

I enjoyed the birdmen flying and falling down.  I really liked the music for the birdmen.  Sophie / Cassie / Leah / Skye / Brady

I really enjoyed being a birdman and loved my wings.  The music was fun to fly to and I thought it was funny when we fell down.  Shane

I enjoyed working with Archie on the history of the car.  I liked to run faster than a car.  Erin

I enjoyed singing The Runaway Train.  Leon.

I liked making the Viking longboats to decorate the hall. Brady

I enjoyed singing and dancing to the songs. Rhia

I was nervous to say my lines on stage but I managed it. Skye

I liked it when the audience laughed. Ellie

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