P6 Lendrick Muir – Blue Group

At Lendrick Muir we did the Nightline activity. We had to go into the woods and put a blindfold on. It was an obstacle course and we had to follow the rope which took us to the end. The obstacles included going through tyres, climbing over and under logs, crawling under nets, going through tangled ropes, we also had to watch out for the tree roots. Before we did the real course we did a practice course just following the rope to get used to it. It was really fun and we enjoyed it, we would recommend it.


Walk to the Gorge
At Lendrick Muir we went on a walk to a Gorge. A Gorge walk is a walk through the forest by the water. We ate wild garlic on the walk which some people liked but some people didn’t. We took photos of the waterfall and the lovely scenery. The current was very strong and can lift boulders up so if you fell in it the current would carry you down the river. The views were nice and we had to walk over bridges that went across the river. There was a cave where people used to make whisky when it was illegal and they used to sell it to make money, this cave was called the Macgregor’s Cave. It was a fun walk, we enjoyed it a lot and we heard a lot of fun facts.










By The Blue Group

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