P6 Lendrick Muir – Black Group

Lendrick  Muir Camp

A few weeks ago we came back from Lendrick Muir and we did lots of activities but we have only written  about  two of them.


Tree climbing: Some of us liked it, but some of us didn’t really enjoy it because of the height. Everybody gave it a go. Although not everybody enjoyed it, it was a great experience.

Scarlett-“I found the first side fun and I found the other side more challenging.”

Rianna – “It was so funny when Scarlett bumped into the tree that I almost cried of laughter.”

Aaron- “I wasn’t going to do it but I gave it a go and I got to the top on both sides.”

Stuart-“I found it really challenging but I gave it a go.”

Luke-“When I was trying to get down from the tree I slipped and skidded on the ground.”

Elle-“I liked the easier side but I found the harder side more challenging.”

Shannon-“I was really nervous but I gave it a go and I tried my hardest.”


Inflatables:  The Inflatables that were there were the Bungee Run and the Wrecking Ball.

Rianna-“I loved it when Alisha got the bean bag to the bottom of the Bungee run and got two cords (that only the adults are supposed to have).”

Scarlett-“I found it really fun and my favourite inflatable was the bungee run because you ping back every time.”

Aaron- “I enjoyed the inflatables but there were better activities.”

Stuart-“The inflatables were exhausting and one of the best activities.”

Elle-“The inflatables were very fun and tiring but I enjoyed it.”

Luke-“I really enjoyed it and it was really fun!”

Shannon-“I really enjoyed it. My favourite inflatable was the bungee run.”


Here are some photos of us and our class mates:



By Black Group

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