We had an alien with his washing line of underpants in Primary 1 today. There were some other fantastic book character costumes as well.
Here we are !
World Book Day was on Thursday the 2nd of March but so we could really celebrate authors, books and great stories at assembly, we postponed it till today. The whole school took part by dressing up as a character from a book that they have enjoyed. Never have I seen so many Dennis the Menaces and Wallies in one place. There was no problem in finding a Wally today! In P6K we had so many wonderful characters, from Violet Beauregarde all the way through to Harry Potter, it was a wonderful sight and for our own little Alice, Uphall had become a true wonderland.
P6K really enjoyed taking part, as you can see.
P6K sensible picture:-
What P6K are really like!
Lots of interesting characters turned up to P5 today.
Mario and Princess Peach
Bambi and The Demon Dentist
Alfie Deyes and Pikachu
Lloyd and Harvey from the Demon Headmaster
Grandpa’s Great Escape and The Ninja
Batman vs Superman
Doctor Who (David Tennant) and Tom Daly
Hermione  and Hermione
Dennis the Menace
Primary 1 were very excited to share their reading books from home with their Primary 7 buddies, as part of World Book Day activities.
Here they are enjoying paired reading .