P6A Children In Need

On Monday 19th of November the P7s decided to do a Pudsey Stall and sell lots of stuff like Pudsey Ears, Blush Ears, Key Rings,Wristbands and Home Baking.  Our personal favourites from the Home Baking stall were Chocolate Marshmallows, Rocky Road and Cupcakes.

On Friday 23rd November it was dress down day and we had to wear something spotty.  Sadly the stall ran out of home baking but luckily we did some cupcake decorating in our class.

On Friday we also watched a video that showed a little boy that couldn’t move his legs but luckily he got help from his family and a charity so he could walk and play with others! He is living a happy life and having fun thanks to the money raised by Children in Need!

Here are some pictures of our cupcakes and spotty outfits from dress down day:






Blogged by Nicole and Mayson.

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