Mother’s Day High Tea!

The Community Links Committee will be hosting their annual Mother’s Day High Tea event on Friday 24th March from 12.30-2pm. Tickets will be on sale from tomorrow morning, Tuesday 7th March, until Wednesday 22nd March and cost £2.00 per adult and £1.50 per child. Tickets can be purchased from the school office. Anyone wishing to attend MUST have a ticket to allow for catering.
Thanks in advance, Miss Diamond, Mrs Gardner and the Community Links Committee.

Primary 5 Weekly News

Primary 5 have been working very hard this week and as part of their topic they have learnt all about what happened to the people who were living in the Highlands at the time of the Highland Clearances. They have been learning about decimals in Maths and they have been reading and talking about their reading.

Here are some of their comments:

Charlie: We were planning how to make our cottages (Blackhouses) for  our Highland Clearances topic.

Rachel: We learnt how to use an index to find places on a map and we located different places in Scotland.

Toni: This week we had an assembly for Ash Wednesday and everyone received their ashes.

Vanessa: We also enjoyed Pancake Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday)!

Chloe: This week we started our new maths carousel and it was really fun, especially the maths games. I really enjoyed the decimal bingo.

Beth: We were learning about decimals this week.

Cole F and Lucas: We were learning how to convert tenths fractions to decimals.

Lorena: In P.E we made up our own games.

Cole F: My group made Ninja ball and it was very fun.

Chloe: We also made a game a bit like Rounders, which we called Mountain Climber.

Bea: Yesterday we had World Book day and lots of people dressed up as their favourite book characters. I was dressed up as Amber from ‘The Midnight Gang’ by David Walliams.

Thomas: In Writing we made our own book cover!

Taylor: We took selfies with Mrs Reeves!


Have a great weekend!

Primary 5 and Mrs Reeves

Awesome P3

World Book Day

First of all, thank you so much for encouraging your children to dress up as their favourite book character. They were all able to explain which character they were and why they liked them. They all arrived in school very excited and engaged!

Primary 3 became authors and illustrators of their very own book. Yes that’s right, they collaboratively wrote a story as a class from beginning to end following the Storysteps of real authors!  First of all, as a class, P3 decided on a genre which was SCARY. Next they discussed and agreed a SETTING for their story just like a real author would.  Then they worked collaboratively in groups to illustrate and write about different parts of the story –  CHARACTER, PROBLEM, MOTIVATION, SURPRISE, RESOLUTION  & ENDING. Our book is not quite finished yet as we still have to edit what we have done so far, design a front cover, come up with a title and contents page – we do hope to have it on display in our classroom in due course for any visitors to read though!


Kate – I liked doing our writing assessment this week as we wrote instructions on how to make a mummy and I thought really hard about the writing skills I have learned so far.  It was fun!


In Maths we have been looking at how to calculate change and talking about different ways to work this out. We have been building on our existing understanding of addition and subtracting – linking our learning!

Roots of Empathy

More excitement in P3 with baby Kelsey!  We learned  that she likes different toys now and if she sees one that she wants she will crawl to get it. Her mummy sometimes uses toys as a distraction.

Sophie YM suggested everyone sing ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes’ in Spanish which the whole class did – well done, it was super and baby Kelsey loved it!

Here are some of the questions asked:

Emily – does she have lots of toys and does she have favourites? She likes knocking down building blocks.

Emma – Does she try to eat the covers in her bed? Not really but hard things like the remote control and mobile phones.

Cameron – does Kelsey sleep in her own room? She sleeps in her own bed at first but during the night she cuddles in with mummy and daddy.

Alexis – can Kelsey come again when she is older?




The excitement has continued to build this week as we prepare for our Death In Ancient Egypt Assembly.  Thank you to those who have been practising their Assembly lines at home, especially working hard on projecting their voice and expression. We have even had a few ad libs and an extra line or two added in – brilliant! We have also been preparing various props…

Your child will come home with an Egyptian Collar and colouring instructions today. As it will be worn  during our Assembly, it needs to be decorated  and returned to school by THURSDAY 9.3.17 at the latest. If your child could also cut up the thick black line and cut out the inner and outer circles it will be ready for wearing!

Have a look at the link below for the Mummy Dance – the children loved it. Additional practise at home with the actions would be helpful in preparation for our Assembly.  We’re not learning the words, just the actions.

Have a lovely weekend from  Mrs Scott and Primary 3!

P7 Weekly News!

Hi everyone!

We have had a great week in Primary 7, learning lots of new things and finding out more about what happened in WW2. Read on for more information.

Charlie and Callum – We had a visit from Mrs Downham, a teacher from St. Margaret’s Academy. She told us some things about life and learning at St. Margaret’s and helped us to feel more calm about the transition.

Callum and Kaden – Some students from St. Margaret’s visited us at assembly today to tell us about their trip to Malawi where they will be building a school for children. We are helping to raise money and make parcels for the children too.

Charlie and Liam – We started volleyball in PE and played a ladder game where if you beat your opponent you went up a level and if you lost you went down a level on the ladder.

Kaden – We did some more measure work in maths looking at area, perimeter and volume and we are now ready to move on to angles.

Dallas – In science, we looked at forces and did an experiment using a straw to blow air to keep a balloon up.

Aidan and Joshua – We continued our WW2 topic by learning about the Blitz and the blackout where people put up black curtains and material to stop any light shining out of their windows so that German planes didn’t know there were people down below and therefore didn’t drop bombs.

Sally – We celebrated Ash Wednesday by having a service with Father Kenneth. We also made Lenten promises and placed these on our altar while reflecting on what we would do to become better people during Lent.

Eve McC – Yesterday is was world book day and we came to school dressed as our favourite book characters. We did a fun activity where we had to invent a new character for a book and describe them.

Have a great weekend!

P4/5 Highlights of the Week

Louise – We learned all about Viking longhouses. We made a Viking longhouse using brown paper, straws and paint.

Lukasz – I was surprised that there was only 1 room in Viking longhouses.

Oskar – In PE we are learning how to play football. I like when people pass the ball to each other.

Charlie – I have been given the role of captain. I have to lead my team to get set up. We did some teamwork games where my team had to follow me and run at my pace.

Jay P – In our trio short read this week we watched ‘How to Train your Dragon’ trailer and we did a task map about it. I enjoyed the big talk when I got to discuss a time when I trained an animal.

Oliwia – I enjoyed learning all about Lent today at the P4 assembly. In class we discussed out Lenten promises. My Lenten promise is to not eat sweets because I love them!

Mirren – This week we wrote a letter to the Vikings to thank them for coming to teach us lots about Vikings. We had to make sure we used different punctuation in our letter.

Finlay – I loved world book day this week because I love to read. I dressed up as the fox from ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’.

Lewis – We celebrated Ash Wednesday with a service. Father Kenneth, Mrs Caskie and Mrs Chirinos gave us the ashes. This is a time to reflect on our lives and make some changes during lent.

Today is Mrs Dunse’s last day with us. We wish her all the best for the future.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Wassell, Mrs Dunse and P4/5

World Book Day Fun in P2/3

What a lovely bunch of children arrived for school dressed as their favourite book characters! Some of the costumes included Spiderman, Daisy, Harry Potter, Elena, Hermione, Cinderella, Ninja turtle, a boy called Luke, Rapunzel, Trolls, Elsa, an evil queen, Snow White, Mall, Captain America, Sleeping Beauty, and even The Worst Witch!

Oma said she enjoyed making her flying carpet, which would fly her to Heaven! Chloe wanted hers to fly her to America, Alishba’s, Dominic’s and Matthew’s carpets would fly them all to London! Harry wanted to fly one thousand times around the Earth on his, and James wanted to go to the other side of the World! Maeve wanted to fly to Austria!

Some children made old women in vinegar bottles who had to  make a wish to a fairy, to be released. Carly wished to go to Disneyland, Zuzanna wished to have a horse as she always dreams about horses, Calvin wished he could drive a motorbike, Maya wished for an electric scooter and Michelle wished she had sparkly shoes.

Other children made balloons which would fly them away. Aaron wanted to fly to New York city, Annayah wanted to fly to London to see her Grandma, Kasia wanted to fly to Poland to see her friends and her Grandma, and Rachel wanted to visit the Queen in London.

Others designed their own robots which could do different things. Levente’s robot could fly, Andrew’s could breathe fire, Kuba’s could dance, Pawel’s could shoot laser beams from it’s eyes, Brooke’s could bring her food and Angel’s could say phone numbers out loud and call people for her.

All the children showed great imagination with their activities. Hope you enjoy some of our photos!




On Thursday 2nd March we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of World Book Day.

All children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character and bring their favourite book with them to school or nursery.

Please click on the green links below if you would like some further ideas and activities for World Book Day 🙂


Nursery Children:



School Children:


Nursery News

On Monday we enjoyed our monthly visit to the library. Mrs Campbell told us it was the 30th Anniversary of the book “Five Minutes Peace” and she very kindly read this story to us. We sat so nicely and listened so well that she gave us all very special “Five Minutes Peace” stickers! Thank you very much Mrs Campbell!!  🙂

We all agreed that we should try and give our mummies and daddies five minutes peace too!!!

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Please click on the video below if you would like to read the story again with your child.


We are still absolutely loving our nursery shop! This week it has been ASDA and next week we have decided to make it into a Pet Shop! We are so excited! We are continuing to learn about money and prices and have loved experimenting with coins. We might even be able to go on a trip to Pets at Home to do some market research…… this space!!!!

Today some very clever Primary 3 children came to nursery to share their learning about money too. They told us where money comes from and how you can get it out of the bank. They also explained to us all the different types of coins and notes and cards you can use! We were very impressed! Thank you Cameron, Seamus, Emma and Daniel for coming to visit us, you were so confident and we really enjoyed it! 🙂

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This week it is the AM Class turn to share their learning on the blog-

Abu Bakr- “I liked talking about the nursery rules and learning to be be quiet at listening time.”

Abigail- “This week my favourite thing was playing with my friends Roma and Lucy.”

Seren- “We have a nursery shop and we have been learning about money. I like giving the shopkeeper money.”

Roma- “I like the new poster about the rules”

Christopher- “I like playing in the shop. It is Asda this time.”

Joshua- “My favourite part of nursery is the magnets because you can make anything you want.”


We would like to thank the parents who have given us feedback this week, we really appreciate all your comments and suggestions, Thank you! 🙂

If you would like to give us feedback, please write your ideas on the post-it notes provided in the nursery entrance way:


Remember green is for growth- “How can we improve?”

Pink is for tickled pink- “What do we do well?”







On Thursday the school and nursery will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of World Book Day. We would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite character from a book and they are also very welcome to bring in their favourite book too. We look forward to seeing all the costumes! 🙂

Please click on the green link below to access the nursery resource pack for World Book Day 2017:




Each term we provide the opportunity for parents and carers to stay and play with their child to find out what they get up to at nursery. This term our focus for this event will be Literacy.

Sign up sheets will be available in nursery from Monday, please sign up for a slot and don’t hesitate to ask a member of our team if you would like more information about Stay and Play.

The dates and times are as follows:


AM CLASS- 8:30-9:30 AM

PM CLASS- 12:00-13:00PM


AM CLASS- 10:00-11:00AM

PM CLASS- 14:00-15:00PM





Finally, we would like you help us with our lost property area. As you may be aware, the AM class will be increasing from 30 children to 40 children after the Easter holidays. To accommodate these new children we need to use the yellow area of the cloakroom which is currently used as our lost property area. All the items from this area will now need to be claimed before Friday 3rd March.

We would like to remind all parents and carers that all items including bags, shoes, coats etc must be taken home with your child at the end of each session. This ensures that items do not get lost or mixed up with the other nursery class.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.


Have a lovely weekend everyone,

The nursery team 🙂


Awesome P3

We have lots to share with you this week, especially our exciting Ancient Egypt learning!

The children really enjoyed watching a very interesting documentary clip about the different uses of plants. They discovered that the Ancient Egyptians discovered the bark of the Willow Tree provided relief from swelling and fever. This ancient discovery has resulted in the production of Aspirin. The children were amazed that the Ancient Egyptians were able to use the natural plant as a pain relief medicine. They watched the clip and were able to work together to write down important notes about the clip. We will use these  next  week to write a short summary. Good job!

Ancient Egypt Museum Trip

P3 had a FABULOUS time at the National Museum of Scotland yesterday!  It was a great way to really kick start our learning about Death In Ancient Egypt.

Here are some highlights…

‘I loved acting out the part of an important person in Egypt who had died. I was so important that I had servants. I had to lie on the floor and pretend I was dead.’ Alexis

‘I loved seeing the mummy of a real priest in Egypt. I thought learning about the different mummy coffins was really interesting as well as finding out about the little charms that were buried with them.’Kate

‘I learned that there was an Egyptian charm called a ‘fish charm’ that was worn by an Egyptian child to stop them drowning.’ Huda

‘We had to work in groups to guess what different objects were used for in Ancient Egypt. We had to use our thinking skills and be investigators!’ Richard

‘We had to look at different pictures of mummy coffins and decide which belonged to a man, woman or child.’ We looked at the length in cm to see who was the tallest and the face for clues like the man had a beard.’ Richard

‘I guessed that the wooden object was something for resting your head on.’ Robbie

Many thanks to Ms Lynas and Mrs Azam for giving up their time to come along as parent helpers – your help was very much appreciated!



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Some of our children visited the Nursery children this morning to share their learning about money!

Cameron  – I told them you can get money out of the cash machine. I explained you put a card in and the money comes off your bank account.

Emma – I explained that you can use different coins to make the same amount of money. For example 10p = a 10p coin, 2 x 5ps, 10 x 1ps or 5 x 2ps.

Seamus – I told them all of the different coins that you can get and that sometimes a smaller coin can have a bigger value than another coin.


Emily – We made jelly and then wrote instructions on how to do it.

Sophie YM – We had to remember order words at the beginning of our sentences.

Richard – You have to write about everything you need.

Michael – We had to make a list of what we needed.

Kate – I really liked thinking about the different steps to do and how to keep safe with hot water.

Almost all of us LOVED eating the jelly yesterday after our school trip.

Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Scott and P3.

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