HWB: Song of the Week: That’s What Friends Are For

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all keeping well, looking after each other and staying safe. As equally important I hope you are able to make nice memories along the way too.

Over the weekend I spent my time thinking about how life has changed but also how much we need people and things to help us along the way on this new journey we are on at the minute. It is so important to stay positive and to be there for each other.

I have always found that Music is something that really helps and songs can send such a powerful message of hope and positivity. So with that in mind I started to listen to songs I hadn’t listened to in a long time and realised that it made me feel better. I have decided that on  Mondays I will share a song that has a powerful message and one which will reinforce to you how much we are missing you all and thinking about you and your families daily.

It also made me think about how much we are all in this together and that our friendships and teamwork which are key themes for our school will get us through this. As a team and together.

So the song I have chosen for this week is Dionne Warwick and Friends: That’s what Friends are For. Probably giving away my age with this one!!

The chorus has a very powerful message for us all and rest assured that you can count on us at St Ninian’s. So please keep smiling and shining as these are equally important messages to hear! Please listen to song number 1 on the songlist below through Spotify.

I’d love to hear if you have any songs that we could add to our Monday list.

Mrs Docherty

Please know we are here for you and remember:


Daily update 30/3/20

Good morning everyone,

Hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend with your family and managed to get out in the sunshine for a little while.

Today your teachers will be posting new activities for you to work on at home, please remember to take your time with these and don’t worry if you don’t manage to complete everything. If you need any help or support with tasks please get in touch with your teacher via the blog or TEAMs.

Many of the St Ninian’s staff team will be working at the St Ninian’s HUB today so we may not be as quick to respond but we will do our best.

At 11am today we are asking all of our families to log onto www.youtube.com/fischymusic for an online assembly which will lift your spirits. We use these songs at assembly and in our classrooms so the pupils will help you out at home! We will also be logging in at the HUB today.

We have also sent you all a virtual hug via Twitter @StNinianPS to say we are missing you all! 


Mrs Roy and Mrs Smith

Coronavirus advice and support link

Please find attached below a link to the Educational Psychology Services resources around COVID-19 with useful resources and supports for schools and families.



Mrs Docherty




HWB 27.3.20: POsitive thought for the weekend

Good morning everyone,

Throughout the week I have been posting HWB support such as Sleep Scotland advice, fine motor activities and also mindfulness strategies. I will continue to update these supports and strategies over the coming weeks. Next week there will be a new fine motor skills activity on Monday followed by further Sleep Scotland resources to support routine and also other relaxation ideas as the week progresses.

Every Friday I will post a special message following the Thursday Clap for our NHS Heroes which is so inspirational and moving. I hope this will help to lift everyone’s spirits.

A good idea for the coming weeks is to keep A Little  Book of Positives and in it record 3 things that made you happy each day. For me at the moment these are the little things like a hug from my children to the big things like the whole neighbourhood taking part in the Clap for our NHS heroes.

Stay safe everyone and take care of each other. Thinking of you all.

Mrs Docherty

HWB Advice and Support using MIndfulness

Good morning I received an email this morning from the West Lothian Health and Wellbeing Hub and thought it was  a good one to share with you all. There is some lovely advice for parents to support your children during these times using a mindfulness approach on the Stop Breathe and Think Kids App.  You’ll need to download the app to access the links below.  Thank you to the West Lothian Health and Wellbeing Hub for sharing.


With schools temporarily closed and many of us hunkering down at home with our kids, we thought it’d be helpful to feature a series of recommended mindfulness activities for the entire family.

Here are several ways you can practice mindfulness to bring more kindness and compassion into your home during these swirling times!

Just like the grown-ups in their lives, your children will likely experience some big emotions during this time. The activities recommended below are ideal for children ages 4 – 10, and can help address a specific emotion to work through these feelings — together.

These activities are available in the “For Kids” section of the All Ages app, with premium tracks now free for the next 60 days!

Feeling Anxious

  • For a lot of our team members, we’re feeling the anxiety rising, especially as parents.  We’ve had kids describe anxiety as a sense of butterflies in the stomach, or having a hard time falling asleep because the mind can’t stop thinking. Rather than get caught up in worried thoughts or feelings, kids can focus their attention on something they can do to address their emotions, like these activities here:

Feeling Restless

  • Being stuck at home, kids may have a lot of energy they just don’t know what to do with! Here are two ways for everyone to use their bodies and all of their senses to work off some energy:

Feeling Angry or Annoyed

  • If your child is feeling frustrated by someone or something, they might want to scream or yell or lose their cool. When big emotions come up, these activities can help kids cool down:

Feeling Gratitude & Kindness

  • Whenever we are having a hard time, there’s always something we can do, like remembering a few good things that make us feel happy and grateful or practicing kindness. Here are a few recommendations to focus on the good stuff:

Having a Hard Time Sleeping

  • With so much going on, it can be challenging to put kids down to bed or create an environment for them to get a truly restful slumber. These activities are especially great at the end of the day:

Remember, when practicing mindfulness with kids, it will almost never go as planned. That’s okay! Here are some tips that might help things go more smoothly:

Check in every day with yourself and your family.
Encourage your family at meal time or before bed to share how they are feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can even use our app to check-in with how you’re feeling together.

Allow your kids to experience mindfulness their own way.
We recommend that you encourage your children to try meditation or mindful games, rather than insisting or forcing it.  Doing these activities with them is a great way to inspire participation. Whether your child is being uncooperative or distracted, or if they’re fully engaged and happy to be playing a mindful game, either way, allow them to experience their own journey.

Approach the activities with openness and curiosity.
While it might seem like there’s a “right” way to practice mindfulness, the good news is that there’s actually no way to get it wrong! The experience is different for everyone. Notice how you feel in the moment without necessarily trying to change anything or judge what you observe. You may feel more settled after an activity; you also may not. Both are normal and okay.

Learn to be with whatever’s happening.
With mindfulness, it can be tempting to “fix” a problem, yet we’re here to remind you to “let go” of any agendas or goals. It’s actually more supportive to learn how to be kind and compassionate with yourself – especially with whatever thoughts or feelings that come up – and the more you can accept whatever is happening wholeheartedly in moments of mindfulness, the more you can bring that approach to all experiences in your life.

As parents ourselves, we’re here alongside you in learning how to navigate all the ups and downs of being human.

We can do this,

The Stop, Breathe & Think team

P.S. We’re offering ongoing opportunities to connect LIVE via our Facebook channel—using this time at home as an opportunity to dive deeper into mindfulness practices to keep us healthy and at peace.

  • Every Tuesday at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT, we’ll host a live guided meditation led by your favorite narrators from our app.
  • Every Thursday at 10am PDT/1 pm EDT, we’ll host a live family mindfulness activity parents and children can do together.

West Lothian Early Years Blog

Please click on the link below to view the West Lothian Early Years Blog with some great try at home activities for your little children! These would be a great way to keep your little ones busy during time off nursery.  Please feel free to upload pictures if you do participate in these activities onto your child learning journals using parent contributions.

Welcome to the West Lothian Early Years Blog

Take care everyone and hope to see you all soon.

Miss Fraser

HWB: Sound Sleep Advice

As a School and Nursery, Health and Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do and we have been learning all about healthy lifestyles and resilience. The importance of a good night’s sleep is part of this learning and so I have attached a copy of the Sleep Scotland presentation for Nursery and Primary parents with additional notes for you to have a read over. This advice and information helps to support good sleep routines which has a huge impact on our children’s daily lives.

Please contact me if you have questions on any of the Powerpoints or if you would like more information. I will upload different pieces of information and resources over the coming days and weeks to support bedtime routines, how to get a good night’s sleep and also checklists to support your child with this.

SS Parent Presentation with notes

SS Nursery Parent Presentation with notes

Mrs Docherty

Creative Activities to develop fine motor skills

Good morning everyone,

I will be posting some extra activities you could do with your younger children that are fun and will also develop their fine motor skills. If you do any of these activities then please send a response and let me know how you got on.


  1. Using a colander or sieve thread pipe cleaners or spaghetti through the holes and see how quickly you can do this.
  2. Thread spaghetti with beads or pasta shapes to make a pattern.
  3. Using play doh follow this fiddly fingers workout:
  • Roll your play doh into a ball using your hands and not a surface.
  • Using one hand flatten your play doh into a pizza shape onto the table.
  • Create a funny face on your play doh using your fingers to make patterns and by pinching to create different textures. Send pictures of your creation.
  • Roll you play doh on the table turning it back into a ball then begin to roll it like a sausage and make it as long as you can.
  • Now fold your play doh over to make a snail shape.

You can also use this Play Doh disco link to have fun:


Have fun and let me know how you got on.


Mrs Docherty

Nursery News

The first week of November!! Children have had a great time outdoors in the cooler temperatures as Autumn sets in. The groups walked to the library on Tuesday and had the experience of storytelling from the librarian.

No welly Wednesday this week, but lots of outdoor opportunities were had in the garden. Thank you to all our parents who attended our first parent consultations of this session. It’s a great opportunity to get to chat about your child’s’ progression in nursery and share their experiences with us.

Emotions were discussed on Thursday, we are concentrating on 4 emotions; Happy, Sad, Fear and Anger. We will be concentrating on one a week. The first being happy. We would love it if you could take the time to talk at home about these emotions. How they feel, how they look and what would make them feel that way. Please share the learning with us in the nursery.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone !! from the Nursery Team xx










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