Keeping Our Children Safe

wellbeing wheels
During the month of September children in all classes will be learning about being SAFE.

Here are some links for parents to help promote and discuss safety with your child:

General Safety

Internet Safety

Pokemon Go Safety

Fire Safety

Road Safety

Activities for Nursery children

Dangers in the Home (4-6 years)

Alcohol and Tobacco (7-11 years)


Malaga Spanish Immersion Week


This week, Mrs Caskie, Miss Ford and Mrs Scott have been on a Spanish Immersion Course in Malaga, Spain. Funded by the British Council and run by LFEE , it has provided the opportunity for any staff to develop their knowledge and understanding of Spanish.

We arrived on Saturday evening and met our tutors as well as the rest of the group from regions across Scotland. Each day, we have attended classes and been ‘pupils’ for a change – taking part in active learning and working together to communicate in Spanish across a wide variety of contexts.

We have also had opportunities to take part in traditional Spanish culture  including a visit to a historic village, a Flamenco dance workshop and sampling local Spanish food.

This has proved a fantastic experience for us all and we are looking forward to incorporating the exciting ideas and resources shared on the course.

Tomorrow is our last day and in groups, we will be presenting  our learning from the week.

Adios y Hasta Luego!

Mrs Caskie, Miss Ford and Mrs Scott

P1R need your vote!

P1R need your vote!

They have entered the Easter Bonnet competition in our local Hobbycraft store. All entries will be placed on display in the store, with a public vote selecting the top three winners from Saturday 12th March. Don’t forget to tell families and friends to pop in store and vote!

Voting will end on Sunday 20th March, after which the votes will be tallied and then the winning schools will be announced.

HIP club

HIP club has been running for 2 weeks now and it has been great to see so many children coming along to spend some time working on their homework tasks. Charlie and Aiden made some posters to display around the school to encourage children to come along. This is a drop-in club which runs every Tuesday lunchtime for anyone who needs some extra time or support with their tasks. Here are some photographs of our club…

Bear Love!

bear love

The Community Links and Charity Committee decided they would like to support Bear Love this Christmas. This is an organisation that is collecting teddy bears/ soft toys for the refugee children to brighten up their Christmas. We are hoping that you would agree that this is a great cause. We are asking, now that the Christmas clear outs are well underway, if you could donate a teddy bear/ soft toy that is in good condition and that will be a real comfort to a child in need. We ask that the toys are handed in to Miss Diamond by Friday 11th December.

Below is a link to the facebook page if you wish to have a little look.!/bearlovefromscotland/?fref=ts

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Diamond, Mrs Gardner  and the Community Links/ Charity Committee.

What’s your child’s favourite bedtime story?

A woman reads a story to her child. A recent survey found that a third of parents never read a bedtime story to their children.

In our November newsletter I shared an article from The Guardian newspaper which outlined research around bedtime stories being key to developing a love of reading in children and key to their literacy progress. The article can be found at .

I absolutely love that special time in the evening with my little girl when we read (and re-read) her favourite bedtime stories. It’s great to see her so positive about books at such an early age and I love when she ‘reads’ the story back to me! Her favourite story just now is Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson. Have you read it? It’s a really catchy story with beautiful illustrations and a wonderful ending.

What’s your child’s favourite story? I’d love to hear all about it! 



We are supporting Children in Need!

children in need

The Communty  Links and Charities Committee are holding a dress down/ non-uniform day on  Friday 13th of November to support Children in Need.  If your child would like to take part , a £1 Donation will  needed.

Please give the £1 donation to your child to give to their class teacher on Friday morning.

Colin P5/6 (Community Links Committee).


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