Tag Archives: science

Primary 4 – Science

Living things - Definition, Characteristics and Examples

This term, as part of our learning in Science, we are finding out about living and non living things.  Children are learning to explain the difference between living and non-living things, taking into consideration movement, reproduction, sensitivity, growth, excretion and feeding. 

How Can We Classify Animals? - Twinkl Homework Help - Twinkl

This week we started to learn about animal classifications.  Animals are divided into two main groups – animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates and animals that don’t have a backbone are called invertebrates.  We found out about the six animal groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects and amphibians and identified what the animals in each group have in common.

Karlie – Amphibians live on land and water.

Jessica – Fish have fins to move around and gills to breathe.

Damon – Humans are mammals.

Bella – Birds have got feathers, wings and a beak.  Some birds are really big and some are small.

Ellie – Reptiles have dry skin and scales and they can lay eggs too.

Cody – I liked sorting the animals.

Alexander – Frogs and toads are amphibians.


Water fun in Primary 1!

Uses of water | Importance of water | Water and it's uses | Uses of water  for kids | Use of water - YouTube

As part of our learning in Science, P1 have been learning about water.  We spoke about how we use water in our every day lives and know that we need water to survive.   We made a long list of everything we know about water and it was very long!  We know that water can freeze when it is cold and it can melt when it is warm.  Today we experimented with ice and water and added some food colouring too!  The ice eventually melted into water.

Primary 1 – Science

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As part of our learning in Science, Primary 1 have been finding out about electricity.  They know that it is a form of energy that makes something work.  They can identify a number of appliances in our homes, school and local community that work by electricity.  They also are aware that it can be dangerous and can list some ways to stay safe when using electricity.  Children know why it is important in our daily lives and we reflected on what we could NOT do if we did not have electricity – it was quite a long list!  Look at some of our amazing pieces of work…

Children learned that electrical sings are vital to help indicate any hazards or risks associated with electrical equipment or power supply.  Some children commented that they have seen these signs in the local community.  We went on a hunt to see if there are any in the school and we designed our own electrical safety sign too!

This has been a super topic and the children have all really enjoyed being involved in different activities to  support this learning.