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Learning about Robert Burns in P3


Robert Burns - Wikipedia


Robert Burns was a Scottish poet and song writer.  He is known around the world as Scotland’s national poet.  Burns Night is celebrated every year on 25th January, Robert Burns’ birthday.  Robert Burns was born on 25th January 1759 in the village of Alloway in Ayrshire, Scotland.  Burns had a very humble start to life.  He was the eldest of seven children and his father was a tenant farmer so the family often struggled for money.  From a young age, Burns worked as a farmer but his father knew education was important so he taught his children how to read and write. Some of Burns’ poems were based on the things he saw whilst he was out ploughing the fields.  He wrote ‘To a Mouse’ after he turned over a field mouse’s nest with his plough.  He wrote his first love song at the age of 15 but it wasn’t until the age of 27 that his poems were published.  Burns died on 21st July 1796 at the age of 37.  One of Burns’ most famous poems is Auld Lang Syne. It is sung all over the world on 31st December.

Primary 3 enjoyed learning all about this famous Scot.  We did lots of fun activities in class to celebrate him!

Karlie – He was very famous because of his poems and he worked on his dad’s farm.  Everyone knows who he is.

Cody – He was a Scottish person and he wrote amazing poems.

Kiera – He is very famous for poems.

Jaxon – He had lots of children and he had brothers and sisters.  He was only 37 when he died.

Bonnie – His first poem he wrote was when he was 15 and it was about a wee mouse.

Rocco – His house is a museum now.

Stella – I liked doing a fact file about him.

Jessica – We made Burns cards.  There are lots of statues of him around the world.

Damon – We listened to Auld Lang Syne and sang it.