All posts by Miss Stenhouse

Primary 1S Edinburgh Castle 🏰 trip

Wow what a great first trip at school Primary 1S had! We all sat very well on the bus and we managed to sing a few songs and play I 🕵️ spy.

We had lots of fun exploring the castle, first stop was the cannons! We were amazed at the size of the cannon balls.

We enjoyed looking at the crown 👑 jewels, the war memorial, the castle prison and much more.

We also participated in the animal safari where we  had lots of fun finding animals in shields and statues.

Primary 1S Sharing our learning

Primary 1S had a lovely morning sharing our learning with some of our adults. This time we focused on our Maths and Numeracy skills. We completed worksheets showcasing what we could do as well as have time to play some math games, board games and online.

This was a great opportunity to introduce our adults to Sumdog and we all went home with our home learning codes.

After all this we even managed to fit in some play with younger siblings and adults.

Primary 1S World Book Day

Primary 1S have had a fun filled Book Day. We all found it super exciting coming to school in our pyjamas ☺️.

We have listened to authors read stories, made our own book covers and created our very own “potato” characters.

We also joined in the “Where’s Wally” hunt around the school with our Primary 7 Buddies.

To finish the day off we had hot chocolate and a story with our Primary 7 Buddies.

What a fantastic day celebrating books and reading 📖


Primary 1 After School Clubs

On Wednesday some primary 1 children attended the Stories a Rhyme club. We got to choose a teddy to sit with as we listened to and joined in with stories.

On Thursday we had Cooking club which some of us stayed after school for. This week we made a savoury treat. We talked about the difference between savour and sweet.

We made tasty 😋 pizza 🍕 we talked about who had pizza before and what toppings we like or would like to try.

Lots of skills were used and some of us couldn’t wait to eat out pizza, some of us took our pizza 🍕 home.

Primary 1S

Another fun filled week in Primary 1S!
In RE we  were learning all about Shrove Tuesday, Pancake 🥞 Tuesday. We had lots of fun making pancakes with our Primary 7 buddies. We were mixing and cooking then had a good tasting of our 🧑‍🍳 cooking.

As we will be off when it’s the start of Lent we learned all about Lent and made our very own Lent promises.

On Tuesday we had another great outdoor learning session, making dens.

After collecting lots of things we made our own “Whirley Bangs”, our own vehicles. This took lots of skills and we had to think about what Hamish McHaggis whirley bang looks like, how many wheels it had, seats and a roof. We had lots of fun making these even though we found it tricky at times.

On Thursday we learned all about St Valentine 💌 we made beautiful cards and thought about people we ❤️ love.

On Friday we participated in the whole school Scots Poetry assembly. We were a great audience listening to all the children who competed in the competition. We also performed our song “You canny shove yer granny aff the bus”. We did very well, even though we were a bit shy.

Primary 1S and Primary 7 early Pancake fun

Primary 1S and Primary 7 got together to make 🥞 pancakes.

As we will be off school on Pancake Tuesday we decided to have them early😀

We used lots of skills, teamwork , listening, following instructions as well cooking 🧑‍🍳 skills to make pancakes 🥞 with our buddies. We had lots of fun and got to sample a couple of pancakes each with different toppings.

We all agreed we would like to try to makes these at home 😋

Primary 1S

We have had a fun learning week in P1S!

On Tuesday we enjoyed our outdoor learning session, we went up to the woods and had some time to explore, climb 🌲 and collect different things.

During our topic lessons we have been learning all about Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. This week Hamish and his friend went to Inverness. We learned about where Inverness was on the map and why people would like to go visit it. Our focus took us to Loch Ness and the Loch Ness Monster, Nessie. We have had lots of fun learning and made our own Nessie puppets.

On Friday we participated very respectfully during the school mass and sang the hymns we have learned beautifully. Miss Stenhouse was very proud of us all.

Have a lovely weekend 😀