Another fun filled week in Primary 1S!
In RE we were learning all about Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Tuesday. We had lots of fun making pancakes with our Primary 7 buddies. We were mixing and cooking then had a good tasting of our
As we will be off when it’s the start of Lent we learned all about Lent and made our very own Lent promises.
On Tuesday we had another great outdoor learning session, making dens.
After collecting lots of things we made our own “Whirley Bangs”, our own vehicles. This took lots of skills and we had to think about what Hamish McHaggis whirley bang looks like, how many wheels it had, seats and a roof. We had lots of fun making these even though we found it tricky at times.
On Thursday we learned all about St Valentine we made beautiful cards and thought about people we
On Friday we participated in the whole school Scots Poetry assembly. We were a great audience listening to all the children who competed in the competition. We also performed our song “You canny shove yer granny aff the bus”. We did very well, even though we were a bit shy.